Episode 1 - Hello Circle

Michelle Buteau: Welcome to The Circle. The Real-life Gamer app. How far would you go to be popular on Social Media if there were 100000 Simeleons at stake?

Michelle: Our 8 Players will all live in this building. But they can't see or hear each other. The only way they get to know each other is through a voice-activated platform called The Circle.

Michelle: They can choose whoever they want, themselves, another version of themselves or someone completely different.

Michelle: When they are in The Circle, Players need to make friends and gain influence. Because the most unpopular Players have blocked and replaced.

Michelle: In the end, the Players will decide who's the most popular and the winner of the 100000 Simeleons.

Michelle: And another thing. This building has magical powers and after arriving here it turns the people into the person who they want to be. So you will see them as the person who they want to be. They will only turn back into their true form when they got blocked or in the end with the final 5.

Michelle: In this game, you never know who you playing against.

This is

It's time to make friends and influence people as the Players start arriving...

Alex: This is nice! I think Ash will like this place too.

Alex: Ooooh... This is so...

Alex: Pink!

Michelle: Hey! At least it matches your sneakers!

Cindy-Lou: This place is so nice. I can't wait to see the kitchen.

Cindy-Lou: Mmmm... The room needs my touch... I mean my mother's touch. This place is so dull.

Michelle: Hey! We're working on a budget!

Ivy: I hope there are a huge bookcase and lots of books to read.

Michelle: Sorry, Girl. You know you're only allowed to bring 3 books with you.

Ivy: Okay, it looks like if we won't starve in here. The fridge is full of nice food.

Michelle: It is The Circle, not Survivor!

Joel: This isn't home but I guess I can live here for a while. At least until the end.

Michelle: At least you have a good spirit!

Joel: The kitchen is nice and cozy, and there is a nice stove so I guess I should be able to bake a cake if I want to.

Michelle: I hope you invite us over if you do. A nice carrot cake will be appreciated.

Alex: Should I start preparing food?

Alex: Nah, let's rather figure out how 'The Circle' system works. Does the TV have a touch screen?

Cindy-Lou: All these cameras creeping me out. It feels if I did something wrong.

Michelle: You knew there would be cameras everywhere when you signed up for the show.

Cindy-Lou: Oh, well let's see if we can communicate with 'The Circle'. Hey Circle!

Meanwhile, the last 4 Players enter the building.

Shantelle: This is so awesome! I feel like I'm in Miami.

Shantelle: And a bed for a Queen...

Shaun: Wow! Not too shabby. I can live like this forever!

Shaun: I wonder how the system works? *clapping his hands* I guess not by clapping my hands.

Theron: This place is really cool! Let's do it, Baby!

Kisha: Let's see where can I put my doll.

Kisha: I guess it's safe here in the kitchen-living area where everything should happen. From making friends and I guess there will be a few enemies down the lane too.

Shantelle: What's that?

Michele: What do you see, Deary?

Shantelle: I hope that thing doesn't climb up here.

Michelle: Oh, that thing. Deary that thing can't hurt you. It's just the sculpture in the fountain.

Shaun: Wow! And wow! The last time I had a luxury life like this was...

 Shaun: Oh, never mind... I never had a luxury life.

Theron: Why is everything so blue...?

Michelle: Don't you like it? I think it's the best apartment in this building. Look at the nice Bonzai next to you.

Theron: Oh well, I should get used to it soon enough.

Alex: Welcome to The Circle!  It's about time!

Cindy-Lou: You must set up your profile. How do I do that?

Ivy: Where do I get my profile pictures?

Joel: Mmmm. I like the picture on the left. Please Circle, put that up as my profile pic.

Kisha: Yes! Let's start to mingle and see if  I have it in me to make friends.

Shantelle: That's a really nice picture of me. Who can not love that face? Circle, can we use Emojis?

Shaun: Awesome, let's starts to get popular.

Theron: Hozit bro! Let's see if I can blow the girls away with that look!

And after finishing their profiles the players keep themself busy with some other random stuff.

Alex does some exercises.

Cindy-Lou discovers the cutest Sprite in her room and called it Josh.

Cindy-Lou: Do you think I'm going to win this show?

Josh: If you put your mind to it.

Cindy-Lou: Awesome!

Cindy-Lou: Do you want a cookie?

Josh: Can I have a bath?

Ivy is doing what she's doing best. Reading one of her books. But the orb on the table is catching her eyes.

Ivy: Can I make a wish?

Michelle: Yep, you can try, but I'm not sure if it will come true.

Ivy: Mmmm... Can I have more books?

Michelle: No!
Orb: No!

Ivy: Oh man. I've already finished all my books. How am I going to survive this?

Michelle: It wouldn't hurt to re-read the books. Would it?

Joel also discovers a Sprite and calls it Christi. Sprites are really cool and intelligent. The more you talk to them the happier they become.

Joel: Do you think there are nice girls and guys in The Circle?

Christi: Yes...

Joel: Awesome!

Joel: Do you want to tell me a secret?

Christi: "..."

Kisha is also reading a book.

But the orb on the table seems more interesting.

Kisha: Can I wish for lots of friends in The Circle?

Michelle: Sorry girl, you're on your own with this one. You have to work for it and gain trust. Do you have it in you?

Shantelle discovers a music box in her room and brought it to the kitchen-living area. She winds it up.

Shantelle: Awesome! Look at the little gnome! So cute!

And she starts dancing on the music.

Shaun: What is this? It wasn't here before.

Michelle: We brought it in when you're in the shower. We think you need some company.

Shaun: Aww, a cute little ant farm. I can watch them for hours...

Or I think not...

Theron is working out too.

But what is a reality show if it hasn't got stuff to do for its Players?
Alex: Wow! What's up Circle?

Theron: Oh dang, it's time already!

Shantelle: What? How? We don't even know the other players or who they are yet!

Michelle: Don't worry, you will meet them soon.

Shaun: Please, make me your favorite!

Kisha: Hopefully they will look behind my PI status and rate me high. Fingers crossed.

Michelle: I guess you should've kept that a secret!

Theron: Oooh, I will love to have powers like Superman or Spiderman. Or what about an Alien. They can read other people's minds. That will be a great thing to do in this game.

Shaun: And there are my fellow players. Together we look like a fuckup, Brady Bunch.

Alex: Circle takes me to Theron's profile...
Alex: "I will like to be friends, Gym Buddy."

Alex: "Nothing I can see, I just... get a bad feeling about him. Maybe it's because he's a finance man."

Alex: "She LITERALLY invades people's privacy for a living! No!"

Alex: "She sounds like fun!"

Alex: "She's pretty. I like pretty people. Course, she's not Ash, but..."

Cindy-Lou: Take me to Shaun's profile, please.
Cindy-Lou: I'm betting he's a lot older than he seems, If he loves films as much as he says he does he won't mind me asking him some Film Trivia questions, I've seen a few in my time ;)

Cindy-Lou: Food is the way to my heart and if he's as food-obsessed as I am I can see us getting on like a blaze in a barnyard plus look at those cute little cheeks, I just wanna pinch 'em :heart: 

Cindy-Lou: Can't get a read on her yet, a bit of a dark horse, I'm withholding my judgment until I can get to know her better, my first impression of her though is that she is going to be my biggest competition.

Cindy-Lou: Got nothing to say except who are you? I'm getting nothing from that profile except that you are nosey and a workaholic, two things I don't like!

Cindy-Lou: About the only thing he's got going for him is his love of music, if he likes Country he might go up the list, If he's in a relationship he's obviously not looking to flirt and from experience, most gym bunnies are complete tools, sorry darling but I'm not getting a good first impression from you.

Ivy: Can I see Shantelle's profile?
Ivy: Mmm... While traveling is an interesting pass time to me, Shantelle appears rather extraverted

Ivy: She seems like an interesting personality, and being a PI is also cool

Ivy: Films are kinda similar to books, and he seems like a calm, reasonable guy

Ivy: He seems like an intelligent, creative guy, I values that

Ivy: Something about her feels off. Feels fake and conservative, things I don't like

Joel: Can I see Kisha's profile? Please Circle?
Joel: Mmm, there’s something about her that gives off a vibe of mystery, maybe her PI job, but she’s intriguing, keen to get to know her better.

Joel: I’m sort of in the middle with her, she seems different from the sorts of people I usually talk to, but maybe she’ll be a change of pace, who knows?

Joel: He seems like a decent guy, from his first bio and everything, seems like the kind of guy I’d hang around, maybe flirt with a little...who knows if he likes that sort of thing, haha

Joel: A shy one, that Ivy, but shy people can sometimes be really fun if they come out of their shell, who knows? I read here and there, maybe she’d show me some of her stuff in the future? I’ll try to get to know her better, I think.

Joel: In some ways it’s interesting, he’s coming into this with his own pics AND saying he’s taken, but that could be a ruse, meant to fool us. Otherwise, he seems like an alright guy, maybe not so much a friend for me, but I’ll give him a chance.

Kisha: Circle, I wanna see Joel's profile.
Kisha: Oooh, a guy who can make food. I will definitely like to be friends with him.

Kisha: Aww. She reminds me of my little sister, Tiara...

Kisha: Oooh, I'm crazy about his hair!

Kisha: She looks like a sweet innocent farm girl. Not like a popular pop star at all.

Kisha: I can do with a guy like that to be friends with. Funny, good looking and he is a dancer too. All the things I like about men.

Shantelle: Take me to Ivy's profile. Thank you, Circle!
Shantelle: She looks calm and collected and in a game like this that is your biggest advantage. I think I need to keep her around, she could be a good friend.

Shantelle: I think he is quite cool- the hair is shamazing! He does come off as quite trustworthy and I need that in this game.

Shantelle: He looks like my friend from back home, I wonder if they are twins? Either way, he seems cool.

Shantelle: She looks fierce! The only thing I'm not too sure about her PI past if she is telling the truth... That is a big risk.

Shantelle:  I'm sure he will get a load of popular votes, he seems really cool though... and cute. Can I say that? He does look super cute though!

Shaun: Let me see Cindy-Lou's profile.
Shaun: I might not like country music, but I think we might be able to get along

Shaun: Someone who travels a lot might like the sort of guy like I am. She's single, maybe she'll be interested in me.

Shaun: Getting a kind of homosexual vibe from him, thinking I might be able to get in his good look books.

Shaun: I feel like he's someone I can get along with. I think I can convince him to be a friend.

Shaun: Describing yourself as a loner, doesn't seem like a great first impression. I don't think I can get along with a "loner" or a "bookworm

Theron: Take me to Alex's profile. Thank you, Circle.
Theron: Sounds like a nice decent dude, so far.

Theron: A PI huh? Beautiful and smart, what's not to like?

Theron: He loves food which is something we have in common, I like that he's so open about his sexuality

Theron: Sorry I don't believe this lady, what kind of pop star would come on this show? CATFISH!!

Theron: She seems like a fun girl. Party!

After checking out their fellow Players profiles and rating them the Players are hungry and decided to make food.

Alec: Oooh, some Circle news...

Cindy-Lou: Are we finally getting the chance to chat with the other players? Nice...

 Ivy: Ooh, I wonder what questions will I ask the guys?

 Kisha: This should be interesting.

Shantelle: I wonder what will the questions about?

 Shaun: Hopefully, they won't ask me a difficult question.

 Joel: Oooh, the PI will be questioning me.

Theron: Yeah, Alex! Come on...! Let's get to know the girls!

Alex: Why must I be the first one to ask the ladies a question? Ash where are you when I needed you the most? I knew this wasn't a good idea. Oh well, what will I ask the lady?

I know!

Message to Cindy-Lou. Hi, are we related? Happy-face Emoji. That's not my question, by the way, I'd actually like to ask you how you got started in the music business? Send message!

 Alex: I hope that is okay?

Michelle: Yeah, that's a good start! Let's see how the girl responds?

Cindy-Lou: What should I answer? Mmm... Let's do this Circle.

Message to Alex. Oh, it was purely by accident sugar, my daddy was a folk singer for a traveling rodeo, could play the spoons something fierce, talent scout heard me singing along to one of the golden oldies from the stands one day and then asked me to sing for her music company. The rest is history, as they say, my first big hit was "Love is like a melting Ice Cream" I'll sing you a chord or two if we ever meet. Winky Emoji. Send message!

Cindy-Lou: Thank you Circle that looks good! Joel, it's your turn!

Michelle: They can't hear you...

Joel: I guess it's my turn now.

Message to Ivy. Hey Ivy, nice to meet you! What do you miss the most now that you're here, in the Circle? Send message!

Ivy: I miss my mom, I miss my girlfriend. I miss my bed.

Message to Joel. I'd normally say I'm missing reading and writing when I'm out of my regular place, but if you take into account that's what we're pretty much doing here all day, I think I'd have to say, my girlfriend, Esmaya, and the outdoors. Send message!

Shaun: Let's see what is Kisha's answer to this?

Message to Kisha. Hi there Kisha. I just wanted to ask what it's like being a Private Investigator. Is it as glamorous as it sounds or do you ever get bummed down by the paperwork? Thinking Emoji. Send message!

Kisha: I knew I would get a question about my profession! Mmm...

Message to Shaun. To be a PI or not to be, that is the Question? Hehe, on a more serious note. PI has its ups and downs just like any other profession, heartbreaks, jealousy, corruption, and always full of paperwork. But nothing that I can’t handle. Winky face Emoji. Send message!

Theron: Yes! It's my turn now.

Message to Shantelle.  Hey Shantelle, cute pic. Heart-Eyes Emoji. My question is out of all the profiles which players stuck out the most to you in a good way? Send Message!

Shantelle: I don't know them yet! Duh... How must I know? They look good on the pictures though!

Message to Theron:  Hey Theron, love the beard! I think everyone had some really good profiles and I look forward to talking with everyone... If I had to pick one person though, it'd have to be Joel. I love Japan and Sushi! Hugging-face Emoji. Send message!

Cindy-Lou: Oof! It's my turn. What shall I ask the handsome boy?

Message to Theron. Hey darling, heard you like to bust a move so what's your favorite style of dance? Mine's a good ol' fashioned square dance. Put that smiley with the blushing cheeks. Send message!

Theron: Square dance? Weirdo...

Message to Cindy. Hey lady, I sure do. My specialty is hip hop style dance so it's a bit different from what you're used to. Props to ya, any style of dance are great. Dancing-man, Emoji. Send message!

Theron: Come to me, Baby! I will teach you proper dancing!

Ivy: What will I ask Shaun? Let's see if I can get to know him better with this question.

Message to Shaun. Hello Shaun, based on my first impression of you, you sound like a guy with some refined tastes. What hobbies, interests and favorite pastimes do you have? Send message!

Shaun: Refined taste? Ooh, la la... Yeah, Baby, I got very good taste, expensive jewelry is my specialty.

Let's message Ivy.  Hi Ivy. I’m definitely a big movie buff. I love a good film and a good book. I like hearing about people’s stories and watching them unfold. Other pass times, I guess I like a bit of exercise. Always helps keep me active and happy! Happy-face, Emoji. Send message!

Kisha: He loves to make food! So a question about food will do the trick.

Message to Joel. Hey Joel. What is your favorite dish that you make for your friends? Very-Happy face Emoji. Send message!

Joel: Cool! That's an easy question! And I know just how to answer it!

Message to Kisha. Oh, this is an easy one! I'm a big fan of making dishes from family recipes, to immerse them in what I've lived with since I was born, so I'd say my favorite would be making beef udon. Yum!" yummy-face, Emoji. Send message!

Shantelle: Oooh, what can I ask him about? He does have nice hair. Shall I compliment him about that?

Message to Alex.  Hey Alex, I'm loving the long hair! Kissing-face, Emoji. My question to you is this, what is the most embarrassing moment you've ever had? Send message!

Alec: Embarrassing moment? You don't talk about that girl! I don't even tell Ash all my mishaps. Oh well...

Let's message Shantelle. Thanks! I'd say my number one most embarrassing moment was when I fell off the treadmill and faceplanted right in front of my crush, put in a Facepalm Emoji, still, that was Ash, put in three sparkling-heart, Emojis, so everything turned out okay! Send message!

After that, The Circle had more installed for the Players.

Kisha: Ice Breaker? What is 'Ice Breaker'? I thought that is what we just did!

Shaun: Interesting... This should be fun!

Joel: Ooh, doesn't everyone pee in the shower?

Cindy-Lou: Ivy is peeing in the shower and Alex not? How odd?

Ivy: It does save on water used to flush the toilet. Though you gotta make sure to clean up after yourself.

Theron: Cindy, I think you are lying! I'm sure a girl like you pee in the shower.

Cindy-Lou: I definitely do not pee in the fricking shower!

Alex: Agree. It shouldn't, but it does. Ash says it's up to some specific amount? But yeah, money can buy you happiness, or more specifically NOT STARVING.

Shantelle: I think it can buy you happiness, having more money means fewer worries. Plus a new handbag cheers anyone up! #INeedGucci 

Shaun: Money certainly can bring people happiness and joy. Trust me, I'd know a thing or two about that.

Theron: Nah, don't believe it and never will. Only you can bring yourself happiness.

Ivy: Definitely disagree, it can bite you in the bum later on, especially if it spreads around beyond your reach.

Theron: Sure, if you know the person but don't just spring your jiggly bits onto some random a** stranger. That's a big no from me.

Alex: Naked photos? Eeeeurgh. Hard. Fine if you're both reeeeeeeally okay with it. Like, you have actively discussed it. And even then, don't use the internet.

Theron: Oooh, Shantelle is messaging naked pictures. Naughty girl! Will you send me one?

Shaun: I think it's okay if they ask for it. Probably shouldn't be sending that to people who don't want it!

Kisha: My naked body is only for me, myself and I.

And then the discussion is over and the Private Chat is open for business or should I say flirting?
Kisha: Circle? I think it's time to get to know the girls better. Start a Group Chat with Cindy, Ivy, and Shantelle. And name it Girl Power!

Message to Group Chat - Girl Power. Hi Girls, I've started this chat to get to know you girls better. And I was wondering if any of you have a quick recipe to make a pasta dish. The last time that I cooked was when my parents were on holiday, and that was a disaster. Fearfull-face Emoji. Send Message!

Shantelle: Oooh, Kisha started a Girls Group Chat! That's nice of her.

Message to Group Chat - Girl Power. Hi Kish! Sounds traumatic, I have a simple dish for you. Stick in some tomatoes, garlic and chopped up sausages to have a gorg saucy sausage pasta! Pasta Emoji and the yummy face, Emoji. Send message!

Cindy-Lou: Hey, hey. The girls are talking. And they are talking about recipes. I got a few to share.

Message to Group Chat - Girl Power. Glad you asked sugar, cooking is my specialty being from such a big family and all, my momma taught me to cook like they did back home and I been baking since I can remember. You should try a cheesy pasta bake with chicken and bacon, it's one of those meals that the young 'uns in the house will polish off in no time regardless of how many veggies you sneak in there. Peppers, onions, tomatoes, spinach – it all gets thrown in and they never notice!" Put that Laughing, Emoji, and the red devil Emoji. Send message!

Ivy: How excited! A girls Group Chat!

Message to Group Chat - Girl Power. "I once tried to memorize a pasta recipe from the book. It had some oregano and basilicum leaves on it, with a bit of tomato sauce. I did mess up on the sauce though, so my result was kinda terrible. Alas. I tried at least. Winky Emoji. By the way, do you think we girls should exchange our first impressions on the guys?" Blushing Emoji. Send message.

Shantelle: I love to talk about the guys! Some of them are so cute!

Message to Group Chat - Girl Power. Ivy, that is a great idea! The guys seem cool and think they'll be great to talk to... Theron is quite cute too, definitely my type! Heart-Eyes, Emoji. Send Message!

Ivy: What? Theron is your type?

Message to Group Chat - Girl Power. Hmm, he's absolutely NOT my type, to be honest. I've been chatting with Joel and Shaun though, and I got a good impression out of them. They seem like calm, thoughtful individuals. Hugging Emoji. Send message!

Cindy-Lou: Is that all that the girls can talk about, men? Oh well... I guess I can try...

Message to Group Chat - Girl Power. Can't say I've got much of an impression of the guys yet, they seem nice, Joel is pretty chatty, could talk the hind leg off a donkey that one could! Smiley-face Emoji. Send message!

After the Girls Group Chat closed, they decided to chat with the guys.
Ivy: Circle, let me chat with Joel. It will be interesting to know if he has published any cookbooks yet?

Message Joel. Hello Joel, you got to ask me a question, so I think it'd be a good idea if we chat a bit to get to know each other better. One of the things I'd like to know is if you've written any cookbooks before?" Red Book Emoji. Send message!

Joel: Oooh, the Shy One wanna chat. I guess it won't hurt.

Message to Ivy. Hey, for sure, let’s chat! I haven’t written a cookbook, actually, I’m more focused on learning and observing at the moment, but who knows what the future holds. Maybe one day I will? Fountain pen Emoji. Send message!

Ivy: Learning and observing... That can work.

Message to Joel. Hmm, kind of a shame, but learning is certainly important, can't disagree with you on that. We're still young after all, we should have plenty of time to do all the things we'd like to. There are still some genres I haven't dabbled in yet as a writer I'd like to tackle. Fountainpen Emoji. Send message.

Joel: Interesting girl indeed. She's shy but fun to chat with.

Message to Ivy: Exactly, I’m only 25, barely into this whole chef/blogger lifestyle, so I think it’s fair that I haven’t popped up a whole book. Though I do have my recipes at home, nothing to share with the public, all my scratchy handwriting. Maybe you’ll be the inspiration! I’ll sign the book at the start, For Ivy, from The Circle, remember that... Notebook Emoji. Send message!

Ivy: This Joel guy seems okay to chat with. Funny and witty...

Message to Joel: Hmm, can't deny the truth in there. And thanks for the sign, hehe. Blushing Emoji. Maybe I could write something out of our experience here as well." Shy Emoji. Send message.

And the guys decided it's time to start to know the girls better.
Theron: I think it's time to get to know the PI better. She's my kind of girl. Good looking, smart...

Circle opens a Private Chat with Kisha. Hey lady, first of all, let me compliment you on your picture, very beautiful! Private investigator sounds pretty exciting not gonna lie, what's that like? Thinking Emoji. Send message.

Kisha: Oooh, the handsome dancer guy! I think I like him a lot! I hope I left a good impression on him too.  

Message to Theron. I’m flattered. Thank you. You are attractive yourself Heart-Eyes Emoji. And to be a PI is just what I've answered on the Circle Chat. I must admit, I do feel sometimes to quit because of all the pressure involved. But at least it put money in the pocket and pays the bills. Stuck out tongue-winky face Emoji. Send message!

Theron: Very impressive, indeed. I think I'm starting to like this girl.

Message to Kisha: You're very welcome and thank you very much lady, I try my best. Winky-face Emoji. My apologies, it's hard work keeping up with everyone. Much respect for you doing such a line of work, I imagine you are good at what you do. Any players you suspect to be a potential catfish? Send message!

Kisha: I wonder if he thinks I am a catfish and 'trying' to catch me out? He will be pleasantly surprised. Hehe.

Message to Theron. At this stage, I think there can be or let me rather say we know for sure they are among us. But I’m not sure yet who they are. Who do you suspect? Thinking Emoji. Send message!

Theron: Aww, come on! Tell me who you suspect! I'm sure there must be someone!

Message to Kisha. In all honesty, Cindy is giving me some funky vibes. Trying not to judge too quick but the whole thing seems almost like an act? Gesturing-man Emoji. Send Message!

Shaun is starting a chat.
Shaun: Okay, Circle! Let's get the ball rolling! I think I can start a chat with Joel. He seems an interesting guy and someone that you can be friends with.

Message to Joel. Hi Joel. Nice to meet you! I wanted to get to know you a little bit more. So, you don’t think money can buy happiness?” I'm-thinking Emoji. Send message.

Joel: Oooh, hello Shaun!

Message to Shaun. Hey man! Nice to meet you too! I think the question is vague, to be honest, but deep sentimental happiness can’t be bought with money, you get me? Some happiness, sure - buying food makes me smile, makes me feel good inside, but...doesn’t cure all my woes. But thanks for asking, I sat there for a bit with these questions, especially the last two, because they’re vague and I agree and disagree with parts of them, I guess.” Confused Emoji. Send message.

Shaun: You never had to beg for money? Look like a typical rich boy. 

Message to Joel: They were vague! I was surprised to be one of only two people to say sending naughty pictures is fine. If a person wanted them, then, of course, it’s okay, right?... Anyway, good to know I wasn’t alone in thinking they’re vague. Winky Emoji. Send Message

Shaun: Better stays on his good side... Hehe

Cindy-Lou thinks it's a good idea to get to know the guys better.
Cindy-Lou: And what is a better way to start a conversation about the family name?

Message to Alex. Fancy us having the same surname darling? Who knows, you could be a distant relation of mine? The Carters are one big family, there are 9 of us in our house alone, lots of young 'uns running around to clean up after and that's not counting the 3 dogs and 2 horses we got on the ranch. As you can probably tell, I'm an animal lover at heart, you got any pets yourself?

Alex: Oooh, the pretty girl wants to chat with me. Cool!
(Creator's note: I smell sushi and kitty litter. CATFISH! But Alex is dumb and cute and can't see it.)

Message to Cindy-Lou. Could be! No pets, Sad-Face Emoji, maybe Ash and I could get a dog someday? I would love a golden retriever to cuddle, Sparkling-heart Emoji, but for now, it's just me in the flat. Message send!

Shantelle thinks it's a good idea to chat with Theron.
Shantelle: Let's see if I can make friends with the cute guy, Theron.

Circle, starts a chat with Theron. Hey cutie, I thought I'd catch up with you after the ice-breaker questions. Have you had time to chat with any of the others yet? What are your first impressions of them? Heart-eyes Emoji. Message send!

Theron: Oooh, someone wants to chat with me! Cool! Bring it on! Let's make friends!

Message to Shantelle. Cutie, eh? I'll take it! Interesting we had different opinions on each question. Should I really believe you don't pee in the shower? Shower Emoji and Joy Emoji. Spoken a little to Shaun and Kisha, they both seem pretty decent. What about you? Anyone you wanna warn me about? Winky Emoji. Message send.

Shantelle: I may have done it before, but it doesn't take much to hold it in for the loo. Hehe.

Message to Theron. : I'm a classy girl, of course not! Joy Emoji and Winky Emoji. Yeah, I've spoken to Kisha too, she seems lovely. I also spoke with Ivy, she's nice but a little bit serious. Not sure if she'll be able to handle the banter. Stuck out tongue and closed eyes Emoji. Hashtag why so serious. Send message!

Theron: I must say the girl is funny too. I like!

Message to Shantelle. Let's say I believe you. Winky-face Emoji. Not had a chance to chat with Ivy yet, can't imagine us finding much to talk about. Will have to give it a go, maybe try bringing her out her shell a bit. Blushing-face Emoji. Send message!

Ivy starts a conversation with Kisha.
Ivy: I really want to find out more about Kisha. I love PI stories and maybe she can share a story or two that  I can use it in a book. Who knows?

Message to Kisha.  Hello Kisha, I didn't get to have a conversation with you yet, but you made a strong impression on me today. Do you have any ideas who might be the 'fish' we gotta 'catch'?" I'm- thinking, Emoji. Send message!

Kisha: Oooh, the Sad girl wants to chat. 

Message to Ivy. I'm flattered. Blushing Emoji. And the 'catch fishes' in my profile was just me trying to be funny taking that I'm a PI. 2 Joy Emojis. And we're here to make friends, not enemies with the so-called catfishes. At least I have enough enemies outside this building. Winky-face Emoji. Send message!

Kisha: I really believe that the more friends you're making, the better the chances are for you to stay in the game! If there are catfishes, so what? 

Ivy: As a PI Kisha is making sense. We are here to make friends and not enemies. She's a really smart girl. 

Message to Kisha. Hmm, you got a point there, those catfishes might eventually be the deciding party about our fates in this game. And I guess it must be more strategic to try to look appealing to everyone so they decide to keep you in. I do think being honest about yourself IS an important thing though. A catfish might eventually drop some plot holes in their life story and others are going to catch on. Hmm... Smirk Emoji. That sounds really rough to have many enemies. If it's something you do for the greater good though I think it's worth it. Send message!

Kisha: Yeah, Ivy, in my profession I got more enemies than friends, but what can I do? It's my job. Not that I don't like my job. It does give me some pleasure to help others especially when they are on the short end of the rope.

Message to Ivy. Sometimes you just have to do what you have to for survival. I know what I’m talking about. I didn’t grow up in a rich house. As kids, I had to wear second-hand clothes and my sister got my old clothes. It was difficult times. But luckily, I got a second chance in life with my aunt paying for my university fees. I was always interested in PI stories, so it wasn’t difficult to decide which direction to go. And life is so much easier these days. Very-happy face Emoji. Send message!

Kisha: Oops... Maybe I shouldn't open up like that about my past but Ivy seems a very compassionate girl and I couldn't help myself. Oh well...

Ivy: Oh dear. This girl didn't have an easy childhood. Aww... And I guess it wasn't easy to open like that to a stranger.

Message to Kisha. Oh, sorry to hear that, I can imagine that's difficult indeed, other people can have something you'd want to have yourself, but it's out of your power... Sad Emoji. I've been through my own share of harder times myself, being lesbian. Been through some mocking and name-calling myself. Though I'm now living in a street where most people are LGBT in a way, so I'm doing much easier myself now as well. Sad Emoji. Hmm, PI stories you say? I gotta say that I do like a good Agatha Christy myself, it's a genre I've been considering to tackle, but I haven't gotten the chance to do it yet." Three books Emoji. Send message!

Ivy: I really start to like this girl... I can feel a real friendship in the making.

Theron is trying to make another friend.
Theron: Circle, let's have a chat with Alec. He seems like a decent guy.

Message to Alec. Hey man, nice to meet you. Loving the hair, you totally rock it. Sunglasses Emoji. I see you like the gym and music, we have some stuff in common. So, how's it going over there? Anyone made a good impression on you? Send message!

Alec: Aww, an invite from Theron. I think you are okay and a few others.

Message to Theron. Thanks! It seems the hair's pretty popular. Blushing Emoji. Cindy's pretty, though still not Ash, 3 Sparkling hearts Emojis, and honestly, you're another one! Noticed the common interests too. Gym Emoji and Guitar Emoji. Send message!

And Joel wants to make friends with the pretty lady...
Joel: I think it's a good idea to get to know Cindy, the pretty girl, better. How do you think, Circle?

Message to Cindy. Hey hey, how are things with you? Settled into your apartment?” Upside down Emoji. Send message!

Cindy: Aww, the Japanese guy...  I hope he wants to share recipes.

Message to Joel. Not so bad, I'm used to being around lots of people so this isolation is going to be tough. Glad I got someone to talk to though and the acoustics in here are great! How you holding up so far?" Hugging Emoji. Send message!

Kisha wants to chat and make more friends.
Kisha: Let's try to get a conversation on with the guy with the beautiful hair... 

Message to Alec. I must compliment your hair. Heart-eyes Emoji. It's not always that you get a man with such beautiful hair. I notice you mention Ash? Is she your girlfriend? Send message!

Alec: Aww, man! I don't want to talk to you. You are the kind of woman my mother warns me about. Are you really a PI? Seriously? I think you are a Catfish!

Message to Kisha. Thank you! And yes, she is, 3 Sparkling heart Emojis, she's the best! Send message!

Alec: I hope she got the message now!

Shaun chats up another guy.
Shaun: Okay, let's see if I can make more friends.

Circle, let's chat with Theron. Hey man, nice to meet you! You look like someone who’s fit, how do you keep in shape? Do you work out much? Gym Emoji. Send message!

Theron: Hey guy! I wonder if you really are who you say you are?

Message to Theron. Hey bro, nice to meet you too! Thanks for taking the time to reach out to me, appreciate it, man. I'm in the dance studio pretty much every day with my dance group practicing for shows, Dancing-man Emoji, but I hit the gym 3 - 4 times a week.  I got to keep fit if I want to keep making money doing something I love. Let's talk about you, nice to see someone who is ambitious. What's it like being a finance administrator? Most importantly, what's your favorite movie? Send message!

Shaun: Message to Theron. Dancing sounds like a lot of fun, sadly I have absolutely no moves. I love the music part though!... Music-note Emoji. As for finance administration, it’s not the most fun work, but it pays well and it keeps me busy. My favorite movie has to be the original Rocky! Can’t go passed it! Send message!

Shantelle is trying to make new friends.
Shantelle: Circle, I think it will be fun to talk to the boys, or at least with some of them. Start a Group Chat with Alex and Joel.

Message to Group Chat - Groove is in the Heart. Sparkling-heart emoji. Hi boys, I hope you're settling into your new flats! How is everyone finding their Circle experience so far? Nerd-face Emoji. Send message!

Alec: A Group Chat? Oh well, at least I'm making friends.

Message to Group Chat - Groove is in the Heart. Sparkling-heart Emoji. Good as in I'm enjoying it and meeting everyone, but I'm also really missing Ash already. 3 Sparkling-heart Emojis and 3 Sobbing Emojis. Send message! 

Shantelle: Aww, this guy is missing his girlfriend. I really feel sorry for him.

Message to Alec. I'm sorry to hear that hon, can't imagine how it must feel. Always here if you ever want to open up about anything 3 Hugging Emojis. Send message!

Ivy tries to make one last friend.
Ivy: Films are kinda similar to books, and Shaun seems like a calm, reasonable guy. So, let's see if we can get a conversation with this guy and making another friend.

Message to Shaun. Hi Shaun, since I got to ask you the ice breaker question, I got to know you for a bit already. I do think we have some common ground already, so I'd like to continue the chat with you. Are there any films you'd recommend to me?" Film Emoji. Send message!

Shaun: The bookworm wanna chat... Ooh...

Message to Ivy. Hey Ivy, I’d definitely recommend some of plum’s films, they’re usually pretty masterful classics. My favorite films are the Rocky series and some Terminator. Let me ask you, got any book recommendations?” Open book Emoji. Send message!

Ivy: Plum films?

Message to Shaun. Plum's films? Sheesh, they're censoring this place as well now? Shocked Emoji. Those moderators need to get their priorities straight. Boo them... Ghost Emoji. Anyways, back to the films; I'm not too fond of action films to be very honest, I'm more of a brain rather than brawn. What I think is the most important aspect of a good book is that they build an entirely new world you can absolutely immerse yourself in. Robot Emoji. Send message!

Shaun: Haha, I thought she wouldn't like my kind of films. What is better than that?

Message to Ivy. Interesting points. Fair nuff! Not too much of a fan of brains versus brawn being a thing. I think you can be good middle ground and enjoy a lot more than just one side. Just my opinion though, cause I see myself as the middle man in that debate!” Sunglasses Emoji. Send message!

And that is the end of the Private Chat as The Circle got something for them...

Kisha: Is that the result of the Ratings? All of a sudden I don't feel so good...

Shaun: Did I make a good impression?

Joel: I think I'm ready for this! Hopefully, I won't be first or last. I will be happy with a middle-ranking.

Kisha: I so knew it! People don't trust Private Investigators! Hopefully, I'd changed that with my social skills. I'm not bad...

Cindy-Lou: What? They've rated me the lowest. How could they? My profile pic is the prettiest of all the girls!

Alec: I got a stomach ache. Ash, will you be disappointed in me if I lose this game?

Shaun: Dang! I really hoped for a higher score.

Theron: Really? This is ridiculous! I should've been at least a 2 or a 3.

Ivy: Ooh... I will be happy with a third or fourth place.

Shantelle: Oooh, I can't watch! 

Ivy: Yes! Third place will be good for a start!

Alex: Ash! I did it! I made the second rating! You are right! I can do it!

Joel: Woot! They do like me! *dancing* I'm Popular! Woot!

Joel: The Hangout? Where is that?

Michelle: Don't worry, production will show you the way.

Joel: Oooh, nice...

Joel: Lots of food that I didn't make. How cool is that!

Alex: This place looks very nice...

Alex: And food for a King!

Shantelle decided to start a chat with everyone while waiting for the results.
Shantelle: Circle, let's start a Group Chat with everyone waiting.

Message Circle Chat - The waiting Room. Screaming Emoji. Hi guys! It's been good to meet you all. Good luck with the blocking! If I go I'll see you all on the other side! We'll have to go for drinks sometime. Tropical and Cocktail Emojis. Send message!

Ivy: Nice! A Group Chat for the waiters.

Message Circle Chat - The waiting Room. Screaming Emoji. Good luck everyone. Yikes, one of us is going and how long have we been sitting in here by now? We barely got to know each other... Sad Emoji. Send message!

Theron: Message Circle Chat - The waiting Room. Screaming Emoji. Hey hey! At, Shantelle girl you ain't going nowhere, you got this. Definitely up for the drinks! Good luck everyone, hopefully, gets to know you all before one of us leaves. How you all feeling? Nervous? Cold sweat Emoji. I'm shaking like a leaf, scared my beard might fly off. Hashtag ByeByeBeard. Send message!

Cindy-Lou: I guess we are all nervous.

Message Circle Chat - The waiting Room. Screaming Emoji. Good luck y'all, the time has gone by mighty quick and we already are losing some folk. Fingers crossed it ain't me. Fingers crossed Emoji. Message send!

Shaun: I am nervous as a duck? Can a duck be nervous? Haha.

Message Circle Chat - The waiting Room. Screaming Emoji. Sup guys, good luck to everyone. First impressions mean everything it’ll seem! Honestly, I’m surprised Cindy and Kisha weren’t higher on that ranking list. Dizzy-face emoji. Send message!

Kisha: I really hope I made a better impression after all the chatting with the guys. I really don't want to go home now!

Message Circle Chat - The waiting Room. Screaming Emoji. Guys, I’m really nervous. Sad-face Emoji. Good luck to you all! Love you! Heart with Arrow Emoji. Send message! 

And meanwhile in the hangout.

And after another long waiting...

Kisha: I'm done! I can feel it in my bones...

Shaun: If I'm going I can at least say I made a few friends...

Cindy-Lou: I really hope I get another chance to make friends!

Alex: Joel and I came to a decision and it wasn’t easy

Shantelle: I can imagine...

Alex: The reason why we picked this player because we don’t think they are who they say they are

Ivy: What the fuck! I am who I said I am!

Alex: The player who we decided to block is…

Theron: Say it! dammit! Don't drag it out like that!

Alex: Kisha

Kisha: I knew it! I so fucking knew it! Dang!

KISHA has been blocked from The Circle

Shaun: I wasn't blocked? I can't believe it! I'm still here! How awesome!

Cindy-Lou: I made it! I'm not blocked! Yes!

Joel: what more, Circle? Didn't we had enough for tonight? I do feel sad that we had to block Kisha. She doesn't really deserve that!

Alec: We know that, Circle. We did it. I did it!

Shantelle: What? Kisha can meet 1 person? I wonder who will she go to?

Ivy: I hope she visits me. I think we started a good friendship. I'm sad she's gone. I love to hear more of her PI stories.

Meanwhile somewhere in 'The Circle' Building...

Who will she visit?

To be Continued


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