Episode 3 - Pick your Team

Welcome back to the 3rd episode of The Circle.

We left off where Alex was Blocked by the two Influencers, Theron and Ivy. So let's see who he wants to meet before he leaves The Circle for good...

Alex: Hello...

Cindy-Lou: "..."

Alex: Hi Cindy, it’s me Alex. Sorry I won't be there for the rest of the adventure. I definitely need to get you in contact with Ash though!

Cindy-Lou: Well hello there Alex! Guess you were expecting someone a bit younger and prettier huh? First of all, lemme give you a big hug. 

Cindy-Lou: You've been such a sweetheart to me and I can't thank you enough. Secondly, I'd love to meet Ash, she is such a sweet young girl and heck, maybe y'all can come over to the ranch for a BBQ, I'll make you a bowl of Momma Carter's famous spicy potato salad. Those kids sure pulled a fast one on ya, didn't they? Very few of them are in my good graces after what they did to you.

Alex: "Oh, wow! You're... honestly beautiful anyway. And now I'm even more excited for you to meet Ash! And, frankly, the rest of the family as well! We NEED to meet up again soon..."

Cindy-Lou: "Oh, you make me blush sweetie, you too kind. I just can't see what it was that made folk wanna get rid of you, you are such a nice guy! Nicer than some of the others, that's for sure. I'm thinking that some people are in an alliance and are working against the rest of us, the only thing I can figure"

Alex: Yeah, I guess so... I gotta admit, I was really starting to miss Ash already, guess that grated a bit?

Cindy-Lou: "Maybe? I suppose the isolation makes you act in strange ways."

Alex: "I suppose? I suppose a natural people person goes a little crazy on their own - I know I did!"

Cindy-Lou: Yeah, it let me think back when the kids were visiting their grandparents. The house was empty and quiet. Hehe... In a way, you should've thought you will appreciate and cherish the moment. But noways...! You miss the little scoundrels...

Alex: Yeah... I guess Ash and I will also be parents one day...

Cindy-Lou: Yeah... But let me tell you, enjoy your alone time together now because when the kids are there...

Alex: Yeah... Luckily we're not in a hurry, yet. We're still young and have lots of time to start a family. But I have to go now...

Cindy-Lou: Okay... But before you go, I have something to tell you. Come closer.

Cindy-Lou: "..." *whispering*

Alex: Okay... Good to know!

 Meanwhile, Ivy is reading her book for the 10th million times.

Kizzie is drawing something

Shantelle is having a snack

Shaun decided he is ready for bed...

Joel is daydreaming...

And Theron is getting into the shower.

Early the next morning...

Addy: Hey Circle! Addy's here!

Addy: Nice!

Addy: Hey cutie...! Are you glad I'm here? Hehe, me too! I'm excited! I can't wait to meet all the people in The Circle. Are they nice?

Leonard: Awesome! This place looks really cool!

Addy: Woot! Let the game begins!

Addy: Cool! Open my Profile, please!

Addy: Oh god, the second Picture Looks like I'm Holding something back, and the last thing I am is close-minded. So the first Picture it is, at least it hides that I'm absolutely not photogenic. *laughs*

Addy: And the second pic will be the one with my parents. This is Hands down my favorite Family Portrait with my Parents. I actually have a backstory behind it, it was Soooo funny during the shoot.

Leonard: Welcome to The Circle! Thank you Circle, I'm glad to be here!

Leonard: Please take me to my Profile, Circle.

Leonard: Mmm... I guess the picture on the right will show the true me...

Leonard: And for the second picture I will like the one where I'm dancing with my twin...

Meanwhile, the other players woke up and start with their daily routines. 

Michelle: Salad for breakfast?

And then the first Alert for the day!
Theron: What's up, Duck! I mean Circle...

Ivy: Cool! Let's see what he has to say for himself. What went wrong, buddy? From the number one Influencer to the next one out!

Ivy: I'm still thinking that Alex's downfall was his obsession with Ash. Guy, we're leaving the loved ones at home! We're here to get popular! At least that's what I'm trying to do. Circle opens up the Girl Power chat.

Message. Go, girls! This game can turn upside down in no time and Alex was the first victim of it. We should make sure that none of us is next, we could steamroll through this game. Send message!

Kizzie: I do feel sorry for Alex. I don't think it was easy to go home after being the number one Influencer. But I'm thrilled to be here and in with the girls. Hopefully, it will take me far in the game!

Message. Yes! Glad you girls are all still here, we were just starting to chat and get to know each other. I was very surprised to see Alex go from the top to the bottom. Yeah! Girl power to the end! Send message!

Shantelle: After being so obsessed with his girlfriend, I wasn't surprised that Alex got Blocked. I think the Influencers did him a favor. Haha.

Message. It would be absolutely brilliant if the four of us could get to the finals together! Boys beware we are coming for you! That's a great idea Ivy! I'll start: What if you had three wishes, what would they be? Flashing stars Emoji. Send message.

Ivy: Oooh, I love this girl, Shantelle. She's funny and witty and she talks my language. I will be thrilled if only girls can get to the finals. I hope there will be more girls entering the Circle soon. It's a pity Kisha went out so soon. We need to get all the guys out! Girls rock!

Message. More wishes obviously, but I'm not sure if the genie would accept that. I'd wish for my personal library, a happily ever after for me and Esmaya and something that benefits the entire world, though I'm not completely sure whether world peace, socio-economic equality or enough food to feed the world would be the best option. Send message.

Kizzie: I love the girls, they are really fun to chat with. Look at this now. Who doesn't want 3 wishes...?

Message.  Hmmm, three wishes. I would love to have a financial situation where I don't have to worry about surviving week to week and that I could have enough after expenses to help out others in bad situations. Send message.

Ivy: So enough for yourself and also enough to give to others. Aww... What a kind girl you are, Kizzie.  But what is your last wish, Kizzie dearest?

Message. You still got one more wish left, Kizzie. Send message.

Kizzie: Oh, I thought I only wish for one?

Message. Oh, does that count as two? Joy Emoji. I guess I think of the money financial stability as one thing. I'm not really sure what else I would want though. Working for what I have feels more important than getting it for free. Perhaps exercising and being healthy being an easier thing than it is in reality. Send message.

Cindy-Lou: Wow! Did I really fall asleep again? These girls will really think I'm old. Hehe.

Message. Y'all be having a good ol' chat while I been taking a nap, ayy girls? Joy Emoji. You lose track of time in this house I swear. I must admit, I was mighty upset to see Alex go, he was such a nice boy, surprised he wasn't a catfish though, I thought all that Ash talk was just that, guess he's smitten with her and it came across as a bit overpowering to some folk? Send message.

Shantelle: Maybe I should have a chat with our Japanese boy... I will not be surprised if he felt threatened after Alex got blocked. He was also an Influencer in the first round of ratings. Circle opens a chat with Joel.

Message. Hey Joel! Did you have a good party in your flat last night? I think I ate way too much pizza. Hashtag toomuchpizza. Pizza Emoji. Send message!

Joel: Hey, the fun girl wants to talk to me!

Message. Yeah, I had a good time last night! It’s good they gave us a little party, but yeah I’m tired and stuffed now. How was your night? Send message!

Shantelle: Oooh, he replied... Maybe he isn't so shy as my first thought.

Message. Tell me about it, it's a shame we couldn't all party together though! My night was shamazing, got my drink and dance on and had a blast! Dancing girl Emoji and Glass wine Emoji. Send message.

Theron: I think I need to chat with my co-influencer, Ivy. It wouldn't hurt to get to know her better. It looks like if she will be a big threat in the end if I don't get in her good books.

Message. Hey hey, haven't had a chance to chat much. Congrats on being an influencer, it was a tough decision for us to send someone home but it had to be done. Shame Alex had to go. Lovin the new pic of you and your girlfriend. Blushing Emoji. How's it going over there? Send message.

Ivy: Oooh, the Lover Boy... Let's see what he has to say.

Message. Thanks for the compliments, you and your brother look like a friendly bunch too. To be honest I can live with being behind Alex's blocking. He and I never had any type of private contact with him. I'm doing quite fine, I never thought it'd be this fun to contact people through a chat system. I tend to be awkward in real life, so it does help me get out of my shell a bit. You strike me as more of an extraverted person though, is that right? Send message!

Theron: Hey! I was sad to send Alex home... I'm not that cruel!

Message. Thank you! I never got to talk to him much either, when I did it was usually a conversation about his Girlfriend. Not that I mind, but there are other things to talk about. Happy to hear you're finding this fun, this kind of thing really pushes you to interact and I can see it being helpful. Everyone is a bit awkward sometimes. Yummy Emoji. Sure am, I love talking and making friends but once you get me going I can't stop LOL. Don't know much about books but gotta ask, are you a Potter fan? Wizard Emoji. Send message.

Ivy: Mmm... Maybe Alex wasn't really a talkative and outgoing kind of person and doesn't know how to socialize with others.

Message. Until his profile picture got updated I thought that Ash was a male. Shows how much I talked to him. But yeah, I guess the fact Alex could pretty much only talk about Ashley made him stand out as the more awkward person. In my case, it does help that others are making the first move by asking me about books. So to answer your question: the Harry Potter series was clearly written with a bigger picture in mind, which is a great achievement; a tiny little detail in the first book could turn out to have significant plot value in the latter half of the series. I do think however that Rowling is milking the franchise now, which in my book is a bit too much, pardon the pun. When a story's done, it's done. Adding to a finished story tends to cause it to collapse and that is the last thing you want as an author. Send message.
Ivy: Ouch, did I talk too much? Sowwy...

Theron: Girl, you really know your stuff... Expressive!

Message. Guess it wasn't much of a loss to you then, since you hardly talked. From top to blocked, don't think his head was in the game. You're so right, the Harry Potter series is so detailed but have to agree with you about JK Rowling, don't think she's helping herself. Just starts looking like greed in my opinion and that ain't a good look! So, what do you think of the others so far? You and I are like polar opposites but I can see us forming a great friendship here on the circle. Grinning Emoji. Send message!

Ivy: I don't think we will be besties in real life but to keep my ratings high, you're welcome. Hehe.

Message. I'm closer to some people than I am to others. Though the more faces I have a chat with, the more difficult it becomes to have to say goodbye to someone. You eventually befriend the people you spend time within this psychological chat program bubble. Send message.

Theron: You're talking the truth, girl. We need to sugar mouth everyone to get popular!

Message. Same here, there are a few I'm close to and feel like I can trust. If I don't win, I'd be a happy bunny if they did, that's if they are who they said they are but I ain't one to hold any grudges. That's the hardest part about this, forming friendships makes the game even harder. It was nice having a chat and getting to know you a little more, you're cool. Sunglasses Emoji. Send message.

Ivy: You are a really nice guy, Theron. And if I were straight then who knows what could happen?  But now I'm not and love my girlfriend, Esmaya more.

Message. Yeah. I already struggled when we got rid of Alex. Just imagine having to pick someone to block in the 5th round. That's difficult. Yeah, it was nice to get to know you a bit better. Send message.

Shaun: Circle, I want to know the new girl better. Open a chat with Kizzie, please and thank you, Circle!

Message. Hey Kizz. How’s it going? We haven’t had the chance to talk yet and I thought of something we might have in common. Is that your dad in your profile pic? Send message.

Kizzie: Was that a coincidence or what?

Message. Hey there! I was actually thinking of messaging you to get to know you better, I'm glad you decided to contact me! Yes, it is my dad in the picture, are you close to yours as well? Send message.

Shaun: Oooh, she was thinking of me... Cool! I gonna have another friend!

Message. I was, he sadly passed last year. It was devastating for me, but that’s just how life goes. He was my role model and a huge influence on me. I was going to ask, are you close with your dad? We may have something major in common there. Send message.

Kizzie: Oh, no... That's sad... I will be devastated if something happens to my dad!

Message. Yes, I am, we even work on some job sites together. He picks up the odd construction job, like remodeling a kitchen, and I'll go with him to help out. We work really well as a team, and he's always told me that I'm his best employee he's ever had because he doesn't have to direct me, I just find something that needs to be done and do it. I don't even want to think about him passing. It terrifies me that I will lose him one day. Send message.

Shaun: Aww, a daddy's girl. I wish I had a girl like you...

Message. You must be a super daughter in his eyes. Glad you’ve got a good relationship with him. I couldn’t imagine having a bad relationship with mine. I certainly can’t think about how wrecked I would feel if we weren’t on good legs with him leaving us... But, yeah... Cherish your family is all I can say. Love them with all your heart and don’t let go, ya know?

Sorry to put that on you, I know we literally just met! Hashtag Oof. Hashtag Mybad. Send message.

Kizzie: Shaun seems a nice family guy. I love people who love their families. I think I like Shaun.

Message. I absolutely do. And it's okay, it's something I think about more often now that my grandmother has passed. The reality of death just hadn't quite sunk in until then. Smiley face Emoji. How about a lighter note, who's in your picture? It looks like you may have been having a fun party. Send message.

Shaun: She really cares about her family. She will be a great friend in real life.

Message. He’s a colleague of mine, and I’ve known him for a long time. We grew up together, so he knows me best. I wish I had put a photo of me and my dad though, only I don’t know if it’d be appropriate or not. Send message.

Kizzie: Aww... I wish you had put a picture of your dad in your profile. I guess he looks a lot like you...?

Message. Why wouldn't it be appropriate? Just because it would be an older photo? I don't think there is anything wrong with that. Blushing Emoji. I'm happy we get to see you having fun with a friend though! Yummy Emoji. Send message!

Shantelle: Oooh, I miss my number one guy! Circle, open a chat with Theron.

Message. Hey T! Thanks for saving me at the blocking, for a good minute I thought I'd be the one packing my bags. Forgot to tell you earlier, but I love your second picture you put up! Your brother must be so proud of you x. Send message!

Theron: Aww... Shantelle, my girl! Man, I think I'm crushing on her big time right now.

Message. Hey! No way I'd let that happen, you're my girl here. You're safe in my hands. Winky Emoji. Thanks, lady, he's very special to me. One of the reasons I'm here is to help with his college tuition. Love your second pic too, great to see your fun party side. You're hella cute Heart eyes Emoji. Send message!

Shantelle: Wow! I really like this guy more and more...

Message. Your girl eh? I like the sound of that. Winky face Emoji and Kissing face Emoji. That is so sweet, college can be so expensive- it was a lot when I went- I'd hate to imagine how much it costs now. What is he studying? Thank you, T, that's me and my bestie Cara- she's such a blast. Glad I met her. Blushing face Emoji. You're hella cute too, dude. Heart eyes Emoji. Send message.

Theron: Oooh, I think if we're sticking together we can get really far in the game.

Message. You know it, Winky Emoji and Kissing face Emoji, it is VERY expensive, he's studying video game design. He's always been really into that kind of stuff and he is way smarter than his big brother LOL. Tara sounds like a cool girl, almost as cool as you. Winky face Emoji. Send message.

But The Circle is cutting their conversation short with the everlasting Alert!

Kizzie: I really hope you got something nice for us, Circle?

Shantelle: Trivia Night? Awesome! I love Trivia games!

Joel: Who got the brains? This zombi got all the brains... Oooh, I will smash everyone! They won't know what's coming for them! Ooooh...

Cindy-Lou: Oooh, two teams? I hope I'm on the girl's team! We will be the winners!

Theron: Definitely, Ivy and me, the Influencers. That makes sense!

Shaun: Who the heck is that?

Leonard: That's me... Hopefully, my team will win this!

Addy: Who will I choose? Joel or Shantelle?

Shaun: I'm your best Player! Choose me!

Ivy: Pick me! I'm a Trivia boffin!

Addy: I will choose Joel first because he is a fellow bisexual and looks like a sweet guy.

Joel: Yes! I was chosen first!

Leonard: I'm going to choose Shantelle. I think she will know all the travel related answers.

Shantelle: Awesome! I just hope Leonard choose Theron and Shaun too...

Addy: I will choose Theron next. He looks like a nice sporty kind of guy.

Shantelle: Noooooo...!

Theron: Yes! I'm on the Addy Team!

Leonard: The next Player I will choose is Shaun. I'd definitely go bar-crawling with him. Hehe.

Shantelle: Yay! He has chosen Shaun!

Shaun: Woot! I'm on my girl's team!

Addy: I think I will choose Ivy. She seems nice.

Ivy: Yes! I'm picked by the girl! Go, girl!

Leonard: I will choose Lizzie. She kind of knows about art. I think.

Kizzie: Awesome! I got chosen!

Cindy-Lou: I knew it! Always last to be chosen... 

Cindy-Lou: Really? I can choose my own team? I will go with Team Leonard, they got Shaun and he's a Movie buff so he's bound to be good at Trivia.

Shaun: Oooh... It feels like Christmas all over again!

And with their new colors on, they bound to meet the new Players in their respective group chats.
Addy: They seem like an amazing bunch, I hope they will like me too, time to turn on the crazy, hehe.

Message.  Hey guys, it is nice to meet you all. Laughing Emoji. Send message!

Ivy: Addy seems a nice girl. I will like to know her better.

Message. Hello Addy, and welcome to the Circle. May I ask what motivated you to study abroad and what you like the most about living in the United Kingdom so far? Send message!

Addy: Message. Hey Ivy, thanks for the warm welcome. Well, I wanted to study in another country since I can think actually. I love Kazakhstan, but in my hometown, it was quite difficult for me. Being bisexual and the eccentric self I am, I often saw myself in the middle of bigotry, and while I was and still am so thankful that my parents are so open-minded and chill with me, I knew at some point I had to escape. And Britechester University has one of the best Language & Literature Programs, so when they accepted me, it was the nail into the coffin for me. As for living there, it is really nice. I probably would ditch Brexit if it was my choice, but I feel like I can express myself very openly here, and that makes me really happy. Joy Emoji. Send message!

Theron: I think I'm going to like this girl too.

Message. Hi, nice to meet ya! So my question is, what's the craziest thing you've ever done? Send message.

Addy: My middle name is Crazy... Hehe.

Message. Hahahaha, hey Theron, nice to meet you too. I thought nobody would ask that. Joy Emoji. I'd like to think that most of the things I am doing make me seem crazy and goofy, but if I had to pinpoint one thing, then it would be the time me and a friend would go into fancy restaurants and pretend it was a karaoke bar, we even had a ghetto blaster with us. Even though my parents were forced to pay the damage caused and I was grounded for a month, it was sooooo worth it! Sunglasses Emoji. Send message.

Joel: I know this is an insane question, but I have to know!

Message. Are you related to Kaitlin Harlow, the winner of The Mole? You look a lot like her. Send message!

Addy: There you go! I was expecting this question from the moment I  entered the building.

Message. Am I related to Kaitlin Harlow? Boy, I AM KAITLIN HARLOW!!! Just kidding, I'm not, and I'm not related to her, I think I would know that. But I see where you there. I've been watching the finale with my Friends together and they were also like 'Oh my god, you look just like her!' and I was like 'Really, you think I look that good?' Joy Emoji. I mean it is not too late to tell my Mom and Dad! Nerd Emoji. Everything is possible nowadays, but maybe I'm just one of her seven Lookalikes. Send message.

Leonard: Message. Hey, everyone! Send message.

Shaun: Message. Hey Leonard! Do you prefer Leonard or Leo? Also, what do you do for work at the moment and why? Send message.

Leonard: Message. I don't think anyone's ever called me Leo. It's usually Leonard. I'm also a realtor right now. I actually started late and just got my license two years ago. Before then I was sort of finding myself before I found out what I wanted to be and stuff. Send message.

Kizzie: Leonard seems a nice guy...

Message. Welcome to the circle Leonard! Since you're are team leader I've got to know, are you good at trivia games, perhaps a really awesome education? Send message.

Leonard: Message. I'd say I have an okay education. Nothing fancy outside of what I do for a living. Trivia games are a hit or miss for me. Send message.

Cindy-Lou: Message. Hi Leonard! Nice to meet the new fish in the pond, I read on your profile that you like to go to bars to meet new people? I'm betting you got some fun stories to tell, so what I wanna know is, what's the wildest thing you ever have done? Send message.

Leonard: Hehe. I've done a lot of wild things that I can't even mention here...

Message. And the wildest thing I did. Yo. There was this one time where I met this very aggressive girl, and we got around to dancing. We were in the heat of the moment and she started getting really frisky. We, um, had to take it to the bathroom stall to avoid making a scene. She ended up scratching my back a bit, and it hurt like a mother for a few days. We tried dating a few times after that, but we figured we weren't right for each other and split up. Plenty of fish, am I right? Send message.

Shantelle: Let's see if you will answer this, Mr. Captain!

Message. Hey Leonard! Welcome to The Circle! My question is straight up, are you a catfish or the real thing? Winky face Emoji. Send message!

Leonard: Haha... I guess I would've got that question sooner or later...

Message. Oh, I'm the real thing, ma'am. Winky face Emoji. As real as you can get. Send message!

And then it's time to start the game

Addy: Mmm... Theron seemed like the athletic type and like a jock, so let him get the Sports question.

Leonard: I think I will give sports to Kizzie. Not a very artsy thing, unless you count the way people move their bodies? Haha

Theron: Mmmm... Ice cubes and a hockey stick? Ice Hockey?

Kizzie: Ice Hockey?

Addy: Ivy loves Books, and many films are based on books and literature, so I guess she can do Film!

Leonard: Shaun can do films because that's his thing. Hehe.

Ivy: Dirty dishes plus people dancing? Mmm... Wait! I know! It's the one with Patrick Swayze in it. Dirty Dancing?

Shaun: Hmmm... Dish dance? Washing jumps... Uhh... Wait, I'll get this hold up. Man, I'm no good at puzzles! Dishes and Dancers...?

Addy: Joel seemed like somebody who knows about different countries, so he can do Landmarks.

Leonard: Shantelle loves to travel, I'm sure she will be able to do this one.

Joel: What's this? Red + Russian palace doesn’t ring any bells to me. Crimson? Scarlet?

Shantelle: I know this one! It's Moscow! What is that place though? Red Mosque?

Addy: I'm the last one standing. So I have to do this one.

Leonard: Cindy-Lou can do music. Even though she's a country star, I feel like she has diverse tastes. Oh, and I don't know what you think about Dolly Parton, but I loved her in 9 to 5!

Addy: I have absolutely no clue...  I'm gonna say Dolly Parton - 9 To 5, but I know this is wrong.

Cindy-Lou: Umm... Something Time. Hammer Time? Time after time?

Addy: Yes! Go, Team!

Joel: I didn't get my question right but we did it! Woot!

Ivy: Yes! I did it!

Theron: I knew this body will get us through!

Leonard: I guess they deserve that!

Kizzie: Aww... I would like to get Valentine's messages!

Shantelle: Oooh, I wonder if Theron will get mine?

Shaun: Aww, man, I guess Shantelle won't get my Valentine message that I wrote to her after all... Oh, well... Maybe I will send it anyway. Circle, you can keep your messages! I will send Shantelle another one!

Cindy-Lou: Oh, well, I am too old for that!

Theron: Aww, Shantelle, is that one from you?

Ivy: I wonder who will send me a message in The Circle? Maybe it's from Esmaya?

Joel: Aww... I wonder who is the message from? That's so nice...

And with that behind them, they can get back to get popular again! That's what they are here for!
Ivy: I really think we need to add Addy to the Girl Power chat group. We need to reinforce the girls' power!

Message. Is it possible to immediately add Addy to this chat? The name fits in really well by the way. Laughing face closed eyes Emoji. Send message.

Kizzie: I think she's a nice girl...

Message.Yeah sure! Let's bring Addy in. Send message.

Shantelle: Addy seems okay...

Message. Sure thing! What's her 'addy'? I'm so sorry. Joy Emoji. Send message.

Addy: Woot! They've invited me to the Girls' chat!

Message. Ooooh, an all Girls Chat! Yaaaaaas, I love that. Hey Girls! Thanks for 'Addy-ng' me. Laughing face closed eyes Emoji. Send message.

Shantelle: Oooh, the girl has a sense of humor!

Message. Hey Addy! Welcome to The Circle, great to have another girl representing Hashtag GirlPower. Send message.

Ivy: Addy really seems like a nice girl. I will like to be friends with her.

Message. Welcome to the Circle Addy. You know, the best part of this girl's alliance is that we now hold the majority. The guys better to be scared of us. Send message.

Kizzie: Message. Welcome to our girl-power group Addy. You said it, Ivy! Those guys should be scared of our Hashtag girlpower. Send message.

Addy: Girl Power?

Message. Yaaas! Hey Shantelle, thanks for the welcome! Grinning Emoji. Oooooooh, I love the sound of that. Yes, the boys should be scared, we will outnumber them and soon we will rule the entire galaxy, MUHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Devil Emoji and Blushing Emoji. Send message

Cindy-Lou: Message. Hi Addy, welcome to the circle! Hope you have fun! 🙂 5 girls vs 4 boys, I think that's a no-brainer gal, we got this in the bag! Hashtag GirlPower. Now, to answer the 3 wishes question y'all been asking, I guess I'd say I'd wish for the ability to eat whatever the heck I wanted and never gain weight as number 1, 2 would be a pair of boots that never wore out and finally for number 3, I guess I'd just want my family to be able to live comfortably... but I might also wish for a Horse that had wings instead!" Laughing closed eyes Emoji. Send message.

Shantelle: I really should check out my buddy, Shaun. Circle opens the chat with him.

Message. Hey Shaunie! Happy to see you still in The Circle matey. Did you enjoy the flat party last night? Not gonna lie, I could have partied til' the morning Smiley face Emoji. x. Send message.

Shaun: Aww... My girl!

Message. Oh you know I did! I love a great party, only it felt somewhat lonely since we all couldn’t be face to face. I gotta admit, I kinda wish you’d come over. You seem to be having a blast in your Hashtag NewProfile with your friend. Hashtag PartyGirl? Send message

Shantelle: Oooh, he just says the right things... I like!

Message. Yeah, it's a shame we couldn't have all parties together... But then that is the game! Joy Emoji. I wish I could come over too, sure you'd have all the good food and drinks stocked up! Hashtag PartyGirl through and through, think you'd be able to keep up with me? Winky face Emoji. x. Message send.

Shaun: Come on, Barbie, let's go party! Or should I say Shantelle?

Message. I've got a nice surprise stored away for anyone who happens to come to visit! Sadly, that'd mean one of my new friends would be blocked. So I hope to only see your face come visit in the finals... And to answer your question, I guess we gotta wait and see. Winky face Emoji. Send message.

Shantelle: Oooh, I like surprises. But I don't want to visit you. At least not now!

Message. That has piqued my interest, I wonder what you've got hidden away. I also have a surprise for any visitors! I'm not sure mine would be as good though. Kidding, of course, it's good! Stuck out tongue one ey closed Emoji. Sounds to me like a good challenge, I can't wait to see you try in action. Winky face Emoji. To the finals, we go!!! Hashtag Top2. Send message.

Shaun: She wants to take me with her to the finals... How sweet of her!

Message. You mean that? Top 2 sounds like a dream come true! If so, see you in the finals! Hashtag Top2. Hashtag ShSquad. Send message.

Kizzie: Nobody seems to get to know the Japanese boy better. Maybe I must try and see if I can befriend him. Circle, open a chat with him.

Message. Hey Joel. The circle let you ask me a question, but we haven't gotten to talk really, so how about we do that and get to know one another a bit. Gotta admit I'm also curious what it was like as an influencer. Send message.

Joel: A message from the new girl.

Message. Hey Kizzie, how are things? I’d love to get to know you better.
Being an influencer is a lot of pressure, really, but you have to admit having some power in this game makes you feel much safer. I had no idea what Theron and Ivy were thinking, really, I had to just trust that they wanted to keep me around. It’s always stressful. Send message.

Kizzie: I will think it must be stressful to have such power!

Message. I'm not sure I would want that kind of power, the way Alex went it seems like it puts a target on your back. I'm glad you're safe though. You seemed like you'd be interesting based on your profile, and I could sadly only pick one person for the after-party. Send message.

Addy: Circle, let's start making friends besides the girls. And I will start with my fellow newbie. Opens a chat with Leonard, please.

Message. Hello Hello, fellow Newbie! Smiley face Emoji. How are you doing? Have you already settled in yet? Send message.

Leonard: Message. Yo! What's up, fellow newbie? Been tryin to settle in, looking good so far. Everyone on my team has been friendly. Congrats on the win btw! What do you think of the people on your team so far? Shantelle's kind of cute. Send message.

Addy: Message. Hehe, thanks. I for my part totally blew it with my question, but I think I did a great job assigning the categories overall. Which one did you give yourself if I am allowed to ask? About my teammates, they are great. Ivy is a really sweet girl, and I think we got a lot in common in terms of experiences. Theron is such a fun dude, and I think I might have inspired him to take the route of Addy-Craziness a bit. Stuck out tongue Emoji. Joel also seems sweet, but we sadly didn't talk much during the Team Phase. Now that you say that, Shantelle really seems sweet. And honestly, I find it hard to believe that she is supposed to be 4 years older than me, she looks so youthful! Laughing face closed eyes Emoji. Send message.

Leonard: Message. I didn't answer any questions because I had an extra team member. So it was all on them, haha. I think they did try their best though. And yeah, Shantelle is definitely a cutie. I think most people here are around 25, but I'm a little older. Well, 7 years older. Theron seems like a nice dude, but I'm not really sure about the not too serious part. Ivy and Joel seem interesting too, but I haven't gotten to know them yet. Maybe soon. So what about you? What brings you here? And is there anything from the outside that you're gonna miss while you're here? Send message.

Addy: Message. Definitely agree, I bet we will get the opportunity to get to know them more. I don't know about you, but I am glad we don't have anything to do with the rankings yet, for me it would be totally impossible to rank them. As for me, I always love to try something new and go outside of my comfort zone. And I never heard of anything like The Circle before, so I said to myself 'Come on Addy, when are you going to have this chance again?', so I signed up, and the rest is history. Grinning Emoji. People I will miss? Hhm, obviously my parents in Kazakhstan, but I've been studying abroad for almost 2 years now, so I'm kinda used to this. So my answer will have to be my pals and friends from University and my fellow Sorority Inmate- I mean girls. Joy Emoji. They were so loving and supportive from the first moment they got to know me and they are always my partners in crime. Now that I answered, I'm throwing the questions back to you, how is it for you? Send message.

Leonard: Message. Oh for sure. I don't know anyone well enough yet so I can't rank anyone. And it's nice that you have a lot of friends and sorority sisters to miss. I'm definitely going to miss my sister and my friends from Bridgeport. My parents live a bit farther upstate but they usually call about once a week. I won't be able to get in touch with them while I'm here too. It's been chill here in the circle so far. I've settled in a bit and I'm getting to know some of the folks here. I really hope the people here are more my speed. So far it seems like it. I'm still getting used to the isolation though. I'm much more used to face-to-face contact if you catch my drift. Champagne glass clinking Emoji. Send message.

Shantelle: I know we're chatting in the Girls' Power chat but I think a more one on one approach should be friendlier? Circle, open a chat with Ivy, please?

Message. Hey Ivy! I wanted to come to you directly and thank you for saving me in the blocking. I greatly appreciate it with all my heart! Sparkling heart Emoji. Send message.

Ivy: Oooh, it's good to be an Influencer if everyone wants to thank you for not Blocking them. Hehe.

Message. No problem. You were not even top 3 material to be blocked on my list. I'm actually kind of glad Alex got blocked, he is one of the two people I have the least of a connection with. Send message.

Shantelle: I'm also glad it's Alex and not me that got blocked... Hehe.

Message. Thanks, Ivy, that means a lot to me! Heart Emoji. I agree, out of everyone in the Circle he was the one person I hardly spoke to. Send message.

Ivy: Yeah, I also didn't talk to him ever.

Message. I haven't said a single word to him in any private conversation, so that makes it an easy choice. Did you get a visit from Alex after he got blocked? Send message.

Shantelle: Nope... Nobody visits me!

Message. He definitely kept to himself. I haven't received a visit from him, though after what we've discussed I'm not surprised in the slightest. I'm guessing he didn't come to see you too? He probably went to go visit Ash instead. Joy Emoji. Send message.

Ivy: Hehe, that's funny...

Message. You're probably right with that. 😝 No visit from him here either. Send message. 

Kizzie: Oooh, I really want to get to know the new guy better... We've got something in common. Circle, open a chat with Leonard.

Message. Leonard, you're a realtor! That is so awesome. I'm an interior decorator and my dad builds houses! Send message.

Leonard: Ooooh, the girl who doesn't feel particularly talented? Same, girl, same. We all feel that way sometimes. It's just part of being human. I wonder what kind of arts is she talking about.

Message. Awesome! Maybe we can talk shop sometime. I live in Bridgeport and the housing market there is INSANE. All in capital letters. Lots of people wanting a piece of that action. Send message.

Kizzie: I'm right about this guy. He seems very interesting.

Message. Winky face Emoji. I bet my dad and I could do a little bit of work on houses you're selling and increase the profit margins. Send message.

Leonard: Message. That sounds like an interesting partnership. Maybe we can talk about it over drinks sometime? Winky face Emoji. Send message.

And then it's time for another Alert!

Theron: I'm sure it's time for Ratings...

Theron: See? I was right!

Shaun: Oooh, fingers crossed I got all my allies in the same box. I really don't want to go home yet!

Shantelle: Oooh, this is so exciting! I know who will be my number one and two...

Kizzie: Lucky them!

Leonard: I think it must be a good feeling to have all the powers in The Circle. Hopefully, I will be an Influencers soon.

Cindy-Lou: I like Shantelle, She's a sweet girl and I want her to do well so I'm gonna rank her up here and see what happens, maybe she'll return the favor on the next ranking?

Ivy: I really want the girls doing well, so I will put Kizzie in my number 1 spot.

Joel: Perhaps she's a catfish, perhaps not, but I'll put her at fourth in case she's real - but who knows, right? If anything, she's fun.

And then

Shaun: I love Yes or No questions. Let me see... Let's ask this question to Shantelle.

Message. Will you meet up with me after the show is over? Even if I don’t make the finale? Winky Emoji. Send message.

Shantelle: Wow! Will I like to meet Shaun after The Circle? He seems like a nice guy.

Message. Yes. Send message.

Cindy-Lou: Oooh... Yes and No questions. The kids and I usually played that all the time when they were small... I'm sure Kizzie will love to answer this question.

Message. I come from a large family and I sometimes have to tell a little white lie to keep the peace in my house, like telling the young un's that we are going to Disney land 'stead of the Dentists. Laughing closed eyes Emoji. So, here's my question to you, Is it wrong to lie to someone to stop them from getting upset? Send message.

Kizzie: Oooh, telling little white lies...? It depends on where you draw the line. 

Message. Yes. Send message.

Joel: I just have the right question for actually everyone. But let Theron answer this question.

Message. A lot of us say we're 25. Are you actually 25? Thinking Emoji. Send message.

Theron: I don't know about the others but I'm definitely 25.

Message. Yes. Send message.

Leonard: I really want to know what Ivy thinks about this question.

Message. Do you think any of the guys right now are catfishes? Angel Emoji. Send message.

Ivy: Yeah, I definitely think there are catfishes in The Circle. But the question is rather who?

Message: Yes. Send message.

Addy: Let me ask a question to Cindy-Lou.

Message. Something that would really interest me is: Was there a time where you considered to do something outside making Country music? Guitar Emoji. Send message.

Cindy-Lou: As a hobby, I run an online baking blog called "Sweet Treats" which I use to share cake recipes with my friends and family. So I guess the answer should be yes then.

Shantelle: Mmmm... I bet Shaun won't say yes to this question.

Message. Have you ever cheated on a test? Winky face Emoji. Send message.

Shaun: Who doesn't cheat on their tests?

Message. Yes. Send message.

Kizzie: I wonder if Joel can answer this question?

Message. Do you ever go out to clubs? Beer glasses Emoji. Send message.

Joel:  Like night clubs? Not really. I tried going a lot with friends a few years ago, but after some experiences, I realized I’d rather have dinner with friends than go clubbing. I hope that’s what you meant. Ohhh right silly me!! I just need to say Yes or No.

Message. No. Send message.

Ivy: Let's ask a question to the new guy.

Message. You say you're from the big city. Do you see yourself moving to the suburbs one day? Send message.

Leonard: Probably not today, but when I settle down with the right lady and we decide to start a family, I think I can see myself moving somewhere quieter. Bridgeport's not really an ideal place to raise kids, I think. Oh...

Message. Yes. Send message.

Theron: Here's a tough question. If you were an influencer who would you block based on first impressions? Oh, it's a yes or no question. Hold on!

Message. Anyone in the circle you find attractive? Winky Emoji. Send message.

Addy: Oooh Yes definitely!

And with that the Yes and No questions are over and the Players can go back to private chat
Theron: Mmm... It won't hurt to make friends with the new guy... Circle opens a chat with Leonard.

Message. Leonard!! Nice to meet ya, how's it? What brings you to the circle? Your second pic is ace, you look like a fun guy I could get along with. Who is the lady with you? Send message.

Leonard: The super single guy wants to chat... Oooh. 

Message. Yo! She's actually my twin sister, Elaine. We both live in Bridgeport right now. And yeah I'm more of the work hard, play hard type. Love going out to bars and stuff. Beer glasses Emoji. I thought of going to the circle to meet some new people and make some new friends. Feel free to hmu if you know of someplace lit we can go to. Flame Emoji. Send message.

Theron: Awesome! He seems like a cool guy!

Message. Twins? That's so cool, I always wondered what it'd be like to have a twin. Bro, I'm from Bridgeport too, we need to go out for a drink when we get out of here. Beer glasses Emoji. I'm always up for making new friends, I'm definitely a people person! So how you get along with the others so far? Send message.

Leonard: Yeah, I like to make friends too... 

Message. Really awesome man. I haven't talked to some of the others but the ones I did are friendly enough. Shantelle and Addy seem pretty great. Send message.

Shantelle: Circle, opens a private chat with Kizzie.

Message. Hey Kiz! I hope you're settling into your flat well, loving your pics too! Who're the gentlemen in your second picture? Send message.

Kizzie: Aww... Chantelle wants to talk to me. She seems cool enough. I have to admit I'm a bit jealous of her ability to travel and that she can play guitar. She didn't shut me down for being an awkward artist though with my zentangles so I love that!

Message. That's my dad! He raised me while mom worked, so the two of us are really close. My flat is pretty comfortable and not having much here I've pulled out the drawing pads. Grinning Emoji. So I would say settling in pretty well. Send message.

Shantelle: Aww... A daddy's girl...

Message. I'm glad you have such a good relationship with your dad! I can't say the same sadly, I've never met him but that's okay my mum is all I needed growing up! That sounds awesome, what drawing are you working on at the moment?

Kizzie: Aww... The girl doesn't know her own father... How sad...

Message. I'm sorry to hear that but glad you've got your mom. Right now I'm doing a bit of zentangle warm-ups. They are very relaxing, kind of an art meditation so to speak. Send message.

Shantelle: Zentangles? What the heck is that? Never heard of it before!

Message. I'm fine with it, she's all I need. Sparkling heart Emoji. Zentangle is such a funky word! What exactly is Zentangle? Send message.

Kizzie: Message. Basically, it's a doodle. Perhaps you start out with just a random scribble, and then you start drawing patterns inside of each of the spaces the scribble has made. If you really want to get fancy you can even add colors. The end product looks really complicated, but it is surprisingly easy. Send message.

Shaun: Circle, I think I want to get to know the shy girl better. Please opens a chat with Ivy.

Message. Yo, Poison Ivy! Wait that sounds bad. Sorry. How’re things going on your end? Got any great bonds with some of the people circle? Send message.

Ivy: Poison Ivy? Hehe...

Message. Oof, that is one week of cold showers for you, young man! Enter dot. Enter dot. Enter dot. Nah, just kidding. I'm not like the average adult in a Roald Dahl book. I think I got quite a lot in common with Kizzie and Addy, so it's nice to have them here. How are things going with you? Send message.

Shaun: Aww... She loves my joke... Cool!

Message. Things are going great with me. I've been hitting it off with Theron and Shantelle, and I've enjoyed my chats with Kizzie! I haven't had a chance to talk to the two new people yet. I hope they've not got bad first impressions. Send message. 

Cindy-Lou: I really need to work on my social skills with others. Circle opens a chat with the new girl, Addy.

Message. Hey Addy, been looking at your profile and I been wondering, who are those people in your family pic? Is that your Mom and Dad? Couldn't decide which one of them was you at first because your hair looks a lot different in your profile pic, you are the one on the left, right? Send message.

Addy: Oooh, someone noticed my new look!

Message.  Ah, I thought nobody would notice my haircut. *attempts to flip hair* Joy Emoji. Yes, that is indeed my Parents. This picture is almost two years old and was before I moved to the UK. The photographer almost refused to take pictures because my Outfit was 'classless and Too revealing', but my parents put him in his place. That was sooo hilarious. And yes, I'm the girl on the left. For a year I'm sporting my Kaitlin Harlow-Realness tho. Laughing face closed eyes Emoji. Send message.

But their conversation got interrupted with an Alert

Shaun: That must be the results of the Ratings...  Do I need to be worried?

Theron: Will I be the number one again?

Cindy-Lou: I really hope I'm not last again!

Joel: What the heck! Guys...!

Leonard: This is fun watching if you know you're not in it!

Addy: Wow, for a newbie Kizzie did very well! She's above the number 1 Influencer of the previous round. 

Kizzie: I really hope it's Shaun...

Shantelle: Yes! Finally, I'm an influencer!

Shaun: Let my girl be number 1 Influencer!

Theron: Ivy is number 1 Influencer? Good for you, Girl! You're doing well for yourself. Twice in a row!

Ivy: Yes! Let's keep the girls in The Circle!

Cindy-Lou: I think I can start packing my bags... 

Joel: Hopefully they will keep me in The Circle. I don't want to go home now!

Kizzie: I'm not sure what to expect?

Shantelle: Wow! Look at this place!

Shantelle: I like food!

Shantelle: And here are the spot we're deciding someone else fate in The Circle...

Ivy: It's nice to be here again!

Ivy: So who will we Block?

Joel: What? That was quick!

Addy: What? That's a new twist. How will it work then?

Leonard: Save 2 Players? So it means if Ivy saves 2 Players and Shantelle saves 2 Players then the last one standing will be Blocked... Ouch!

Cindy-Lou: I knew it! It will be all over again like Trivia, they won't choose me! I'm going home!

Ivy: This is really a difficult decision. I want all the girls to stay in the game. But also there are good guys too. So...

Joel: Connection? Do we have a connection?

Ivy: The Player I'm saving is...





















Kizzie: What? She has chosen me! I can't believe it! I'm safe! Woot!

Shantelle: I have a close connection with the guys, Shaun and Theron. But I also like the girls in our Girl Power chat... So this will be extremely difficult for me...

Shaun: Me... Please pick me! We do have a close connection!

Shantelle: The Player I'm saving is...





















Theron: Yes! I knew you will save me! 

Addy: Trust and Loyalty... Oooh... Who could that be?

Ivy: The Player I'm saving is...























Cindy-Lou: OMG! Really? I am safe and don't have to go home? Yes!!! Yes!!!

Shantelle: At least all the girls are safe now. But now she left me to choose between Joel and Shaun.

Joel: I'm kind...

Shantelle: The Player I'm saving is...











































Shaun: I know I can trust my girl! Woot!

And that means...

Joel: Nooooo... I'm going home...

Leonard: There's another Alert!

Shantelle: I'm so sorry...

Ivy: Aww... 

Cindy-Lou: Please, don't let it be me again! I can't handle this anymore!

To be continued


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