Episode 6 - Follow the Dance

Welcome back to the 6th episode of this season

Let's go back to our last blockee and see who she wants to meet before she goes home

Addy: Hello...

Willow: "..."

Addy: "Ready or not, here I come, you can't hide."

Willow: "ADDY! Can I hug you?"

Addy: "Haha, of course, you can."

Willow: "So nice to finally meet you in person! Though I wish it was under, uh, better circumstances..."

Addy: "I second all of that. But hey, I expected to go at this point, and I'm happy that I was able to be part of this experience. Are you surprised I chose to visit you?"

Willow: "Eh, a part of me is. But the rest of me gets it, to be honest? Out of the girls, one's new, one got you blocked and the other one is me, so..."

Addy: "Hehe, actually sounds plausible. But really, the reason I chose you because I knew most of the others from the chats already so I thought that it would be nice to get to know You more. Also during the ranking, I was shocked how you got last, like what the duck happened?"

Willow: Me too! I thought people liked me! Guess not... maybe I'm just too mysterious?" *laughs* "Nah, I bet they think I'm a catfish. I mean, just because my profile's true doesn't stop it being suspiciously specific..."

Addy: "Oh girl, trust me, they like you, or they are going to. They are just closer to each other I believe. You have to give Them the Chance to get to know You better. I almost went home in the last ranking, and even though I lost now, I was able to climb. Be yourself, and I'm convinced you'll be golden afterward."

Willow: "Well, here's hoping! And I do like the idea of being all golden and shiny..." *laughs* "But anyway, we definitely need to meet up again on the outside! Have a little Circle reunion?"

Addy: "So I guess it's goodbye now... See you on the other side."

Willow: "Be Good..."

And what are the rest of the Players doing?
Kizzie is drawing her cat... Hehe, I think ;)

Shaun is reading a thriller

Willow is getting ready for bed

Ivy is reading an Agatha Christi

Why is the camera in the way? Ugh...

Piper is getting in bed

Leonard changed into his nightwear

And somewhere in the building

Rodrigo: Hi Circle!

Rodrigo: Ooh, I like this apartment...

Rodrigo: Thank you, Circle!

Rodrigo: Let's see what I have to do know...

Rodrigo: Take me to my profile pictures...

Rodrigo: I think the one on the left will be good...

Rodrigo: I guess those two pictures will look awesome on my profile.

The next morning

And then the first Alert for the day

Kizzie: Oooh, what's up Circle?

Shaun: Aww... I'm sorry we had to block you, Addygirl...

Ivy: I still can't believe that you got blocked! Circle open Addy's video!

Willow: Aww, it's a shocker but at least I'm still in the game for another day!

Theron: Aww... I actually enjoy our conversations...

Piper: Oooh, I guess I'm in the game now... I wonder if I will survive my first ranking?

Leonard: I really thought she would be a catfish...

With all the excitement over, Ivy decides to chat with the girls
Ivy: But I'm thankful to the influencers for saving me.

Message. Kizzie, thank you for saving me and Willow. Am I feeling gut-punched that Addy's gone? Yes. But it was between her and the two of us. So I can't blame you. It's the game that does it... Send message.

Kizzie: Yeah, it wasn't nice to block Addy. But we have to block someone.

Message. It is absolutely the game that does it, and it sucks. If I had the choice I wouldn't block anyone. Send message.

Ivy: I feel you girl. I was in the same position a few times...

Message. It's because the game requires it. But if I'd have been in your position this week I'd have struggled as well. We have to move on forward though. Send message.

Shaun decides it's a good time to chat with the guys
Shaun: Message. Got your backs, my dudes! Sadly, Addy was the one to go, but I promised I had your backs and I hope that proves it. Feeling like a piece of work though, not gonna lie. Feel bad for Addy, but we hardly talked. I would've been devastated if it were anyone else. Send message.

Theron: Message. Firstly, let me say congrats on being an influencer. Really happy for you, dude! I'm still feeling like the biggest piece of shit on earth after sending Shantelle home. Why do I always seem to make women run into the arms of another man? Joy Emoji. Addy is a cool gal, I'm sad she's gone. I understand your decision though. Hey, if it were me packing my bags tonight, I would have understood. Glad to know you still have my back, even if I don't deserve it. Send message

Leonard: Message. Yeah, I don't blame ya. Someone had to go. I and Addy spoke a bit but not too much. She seemed like an interesting gal but I guess we won't be able to get to know her more now. At least until the show is over. Send message.

Shaun: Message. Thanks, my dude. Trust me, as bitter as I am over that, I’m not gonna be the one sending you home man. That goes for you too, Leonard. Y’all are great guys and I’m glad that we’ve got these three. Send message.

Theron: Message. Guys! Why have we not spoken about Heather yet? Knew it was the Mama. Kinda wish she would have just joined as herself! Sad she felt she had to pose as her daughter. Shaun, thanks, my man. Honestly, I never expected to become so close with you on here. Thought you were going to be a bit of a stuck up, you're nothing like that. Never judge a book by its cover! Send message.

Shaun: Message. Right back at you my dude! Stuck up? Yeahhh, I'm far more relaxed than my job title and profile picture makes me seem. Trust me, I'm no suit-and-tie, pencil-pusher kinda guy. Glad you're not sick of me yet, bro! *laughing emoji* Also about Heather, I kinda suspected it was her all along, but really I've still not had a conversation with her at all. I never met Cindy, and I never met Heather, besides she got totally overshadowed with Shantelle leaving, yaknow? Send message.

Leonard: Message. Oh yeah for sure. Heather went to see me and she seemed like a sweet lady. I wouldn't have minded her company as herself. Guess we'll just have to meet up when this is all done. Send message.

Theron: Message. That's the thing, your job and looks got me feelin a little self-conscious, not gonna lie. Sometimes can't help but feel I'm a bit of a failure. Joy Emoji. Never get sick of ya! You got me for life now, I hope you know that, LOL. Man, you never spoke to Cindy/Heather? that's a shocker, I thought everybody spoken to each other at some point. @Leonard Bro, when we're you going to tell this? I didn't know you were so close to Heather. Winky Emoji. Send message.

Leonard: Message. It totally escaped me. With all that talk about Shantelle going, Heather's departure was kind of overshadowed. Send message.

Willow wants to thank the Influencers for saving her
Willow: Message. Wow, thanks guys, I was so sure I was going home. Laughing Emoji. But now Addy's gone... Crying Emoji. Send message.

Shaun: Message. It's a cruel game, but I didn't want to see you go home next Willow. I think you were safe from both of us. Thumbs up Emoji. Send message.

Kizzie: Message. Yeah, Shaun and I are on similar wavelengths. Thumbs up Emoji. Send message.

After her conversation with Shaun and Willow, Kizzie decides to chat with Ivy
Kizzie: I really hope Ivy isn't mad at me for taking Addy out. It just happens that she was the Player that I didn't have a good relationship with. And I really do like the guys and our conversations are really something that I'm seeing forward to every day.

Message. Being an influencer is insane. I was happy being in the middle, though I was ecstatic being in first. But I think you'll understand how I'm feeling right now having to get rid of Addy, it must have been the same with Shantelle. You think this is going to hurt me? Send message.

Ivy: As mad as I am for her taking Addy out, I do feel why she did that. It's just a pity she didn't talk to Addy like I did. I think her decision would have changed. But oh well, I think it's time that I change my strategy. I won't be able to get 'only girls' in the final 5.

Message. Yeah, I get what you mean - being an influencer isn't easy. Though I am carefully optimistic that your position in the game will be okay - Shantelle had a lot of stronger ties to some players across the Circle, so in comparison to that blocking Addy has much less impact on everyone in here. Send message.

Kizzie: Message. I absolutely took you saving me into account when I had to pick between the girls. I believe in loyalty but when you HAVE to block someone that you may want to be friends with it just sucks. But in the end, I had to picky Addy because of her lack of tact in the circle chat. It had to be a tough first question and she didn't want to leave it alone. I'm glad you understood that it wasn't necessarily a subject I wanted to go into detail about. Send message.

Ivy: Message. Hmm, that's right. Subtlety is key in communication - if someone's not willing to delve into a subject you got to respect the boundaries they point out. And I think Addy was a bit too overly excited or something. Send message.

Kizzie: Message. Very true. Gotta get positive and a happy headspace again. Like when the show is over everyone will still be friends because we've made awesome connections here! Send message.

Ivy: Message. That exactly. There are absolutely some blocked people I'd like to reconnect with afterward. Take Shantelle and Addy for example, or even Kisha, the one who left before you came in. Send message.

Kizzie: Message. Oh, Shantelle for sure! I was having a great time talking to her. What was Kisha like? Send message.

Ivy: Aww, I was shocked when the Influencers took her out...

Message. Hmm, I recall us bonding over both having difficulties in our pasts. And we talked about Agatha Christie novels as well. It's a shame Joel and Alex didn't trust her Private Investigator claim and blocked her for it. Ironically none of the three of them turned out to be a catfish. Send message.

Kizzie: Message. Oh, man! It would have been so cool to meet a real private investigator!! And I'm a fan of the few Agatha Christies I've read. I would have loved to meet her. As for Joel, I feel like I didn't get enough time talking to him, I think we might have made friends but just didn't have long enough to warm up. People really are wonderful and you can relate to them in so many ways even with many differences. Hashtag ThinkingOutLoud. I'm really glad I'm getting to experience this! Send message.

Ivy: Message. Maybe we could try to arrange something with her after the show? I did get to warm up to Joel a bit more - I still feel bad that I was an influencer when he got blocked. We had some nice talks about cooking and books... I agree with you, and I am so grateful that I can get to know people without interacting face-to-face. I'm much more anxious in person... So I like that we can get to know people by their personality, rather than by appearances. Send message.

Kizzie: Message. Personality is how I prefer to get to know people. And I wish people would wait to judge instead of just the cover. This works great for me because I get to know everyone through chatting. Send message.

Ivy: Message. Yes. That is the power of the Circle in a nutshell. Let's hope many people will watch this show and learn from it. Send message.

Theron wondered why Willow is so shy to talk
Theron: Message. Willow, Willow. That's such a pretty name. Why have we not chatted yet? You afraid of Lil ol' Theron? Joy Emoji. I thought I'd reach out to ya, see how you are and learn a little more about you. What's Shaun's portrait of you mean, care to explain a little? LOL. Send message.

Willow: Hehe, I thought someone will mention something about it.

Message. Nice to meet you - guess you slipped through the cracks? It's another one of my sister's puns: my hobbies are hitting the books, hitting the gym, hitting the mall... so Heather always says I hit things to relax. Joy Emoji. I love her, the nutter. Purpleheart Emoji. Send message.

Theron: Slip through the cracks? Aww, man! I am the sexiest man in the Circle! Didn't you notice that?

Message. Ah, girl, you bruised my already bruised ego. Joy Emoji. Funny one you're sis is, like a good sense of humor. Heather, you say? Is your sis the Mama catfish that was posing as Cindy-Lou? LOL. Had a feeling it was the Mother, wasn't too shocked when we found out. What about you? Did you get talking with her much? Send message.

Willow: Message. Hahaha, no, but... And yeah, she's really sweet actually! At least, she was in the chat... don't know about real-life... Fingers crossed Emoji. Send message.

Theron: Message. Who knows? Maybe Mama Heather is a mafia boss who kills and steals for a living. Don't be fooled by her innocent looks. Joy Emoji. So, do you "hit" the gym a lot? Send message.

Willow: Message. Hey, stop it, you're scaring me. Joy Emoji. But anyway, yes, I do! Basically every day, in fact - there's a gym in the office, on one of the upper floors Sparkling heart Emoji. Gym Emoji. A perk of the job. Send message.

Theron: Message. Sorry, my bad. Joy Emoji. Sweet, wish there was a gym in the dance studio. It's just a room we rent in a run-down building located in the city center, nothing special. It would be nice to have a gym in the same building. I get to the gym about 4-5 times a week if I can, the rest of the time I'm dancing off my big butt. Where did you say you're from again? Got a memory of a goldfish here LOL. Send message.

Shaun decides it's time to get to know the new girl better
Shaun: Message. Yo Pipester! How’s it going? Feeling alright with life in the circle so far?

Piper: Pipester? Are you flirting with me, Guy? Hehe.

Message. Omg, Pipester, I love it so much!! Hey, Shaunie, I'm great thanks! I've started getting properly settled in, I guess, so it's like going good. How are youuu? Send message.

Shaun: Message. I'm about as good as you'd expect to be honest. Laughing Emoji. I just got influencer for the first time ever and I've had to experience sending someone home. It's brutal! Hoping to stay safe, but not enjoying that sort of responsibility. Send message.

Piper: Message. Oh yeah...that must have been pretty horrible to deal with, I'm so sorry you had to be part of why someone went, but it's part of the game I guess. You're here another day, and I feel like people want to keep you around! I can't imagine why someone would send a guy like you out of the game... Laughing Emoji. Send message.

Shaun: Yes! I don't want to go home! I love this game!

Message. Thanks, Piper. I appreciate that! You'd be surprised though. People have reasons, someone has to get blocked. There have been many surprise exits in this game. I feel anyone could be going at any point, so I'm just gonna make the most of the conversations I can have before it's too late. Send message.

Piper: Message. Always here to lift your spirits cutie :) well...until I'm sent home! That could be any day soon, let's be honest. That sounds like a good idea though, just talk to everyone, get to know them...the worst case, they go, or you go. The best case? You make a new friend. Send message.

Shaun: Message. You’ve got the right idea about this game then it seems! I’m glad to say I’ve made a few amazing friends in this experience, and I can’t wait to meet them on the outside once all is said and done. We should get to know each other, maybe we can join the Hashtag FriendClub. Send message.

Piper: Message. I'm picking up a lot as I go, I guess! I know I just want to make good first impressions, but not force anything, and really get to know everyone. Just be my usual self! I'd love to keep getting to know you, Shaunie, I'm enjoying your digital company so far...  Send message.

Shaun: Message. Hey, I'm glad! I think your first impression has been really solid so far. You're giving off those good vibes, ya know? I think you're a fun person and you'll fit right in the Circle! I'm enjoying your company too. Glad we're talking, some people even from the start hadn't said a word to me. Hashtag CindyLouWho? Send message.

Theron wants to check in with Kizzie and see how's she doing after the ratings and blocking
Theron: Message. What's going down in Kizzie Town? Congrats girl was hoping to see you in one of those top spots. You deserve it! Kissing Emoji. I hope you don't feel too bad about your decision to block Addy. Thank you for saving my butt, I appreciate it big time. Much love!

Kizzie: Message. Crazy headspace is what. I'm doing my nervous thing and experimenting with cooking. So surprise, tuna fish, mayo, hot sauce, garlic, red pepper flakes, lettuce, tomato, and bacon is surprisingly really good together in a sandwich. Send message.

Theron: Message. Deep breaths and relax, you'll be alright. Joy Emoji. That does sound like a fine sandwich, fancy sending me some of it over? Maybe I'll sneak around later. Don't tell the producers. Keep quiet Emoji. I eat a lot too when I'm feeling nervous, the day before my first ever show with the group, my Pap made for my bro and me, his famous mac 'n' cheese, man I kept going back for more. Had the worse cramps the next day. Send message.

Kizzie: Message. Maybe they'll let me give a sandwich to the producers for a delivery, Joy Emoji, slip out and come visit me, promise I haven't made a disaster of my apartment. There's plenty of places to dance and you could give me the dance lessons we talked about. Keep quiet Emoji. Serious note, homemade mac n cheese is so good chef's. Send message.

Theron: Message. Nah, don't be trusting these producers with our delicious goods. Joy Emoji. Got it all planned out, gonna sneak out tonight, dressed all in black like a ninja! They'll never see it coming. Don't be alarmed if you hear a knock at your door in the middle of the night, Ok... that just sounds creepy LOL. Make sure to put on your dancing shoes. Winky Emoji. Send message.

Kizzie: Message. Laughing so hard right now. I expect the dancing ninja to come down the hall tonight. Joy Emoji. Send message.

Ivy wants to know Piper better
Ivy: Message. I feel this blocking was brutal... Are you feeling okay? Addy was one of the first few you got in a chat with, and now she's gone... Send message.

Piper: Message. I’m devastated!! I only just started getting to know her, I would have loved more time. This game is cruel...but it’s what we signed up for I guess. I’m sure we’ll say hey once I’m on the outside again! I have to start making friends though, or else I’ll be gone next... Send message.

Ivy: Message. I know, I wish she'd still be around as well. The two of us had quite a few things we could bond over with each other. I didn't get to talk a lot to you yet, though I think it's interesting to get to know new, different people and see how they can inspire us to new ideas. Have you been successfully added to the Girl Power chat already? Send message.

Piper: Message. I'm loving getting to know everyone, it's so sad I had to say bye to one soo soon, I hope I get plenty of time to get to know you Ives and everyone else here! Yeah, I'm in the girls' group too, I haven't said anything really though...I'm just worried, cause I'm new, I don't want to overstep in the group... Send message.

Ivy: Message. Don't worry too much about overstepping, if there's anything I've learned in the Circle, it is to not be afraid to take some initiative myself. It's a lesson I should take with me back home. How about we try to get to know each other a bit better? Like, what is your favorite season for example? Send message.

Piper: Message. It's always good to just make sure I'm perfectly welcomed into a group that was there before me - but thank you for saying this stuff, you're really helping me settle in Ivy. Okay... favorite season! I loooove summer, it's sort of an easy answer for me :) What about you, Ives? Send message.

Ivy: Message. I know from personal experience how difficult it is to try and mingle in an already established group. If I'd have been in your position I would have appreciated a hand reaching out to me to guide me, I believe people should help each other out. Socializing is a difficult world... Summer, I figured that one out from your sunbathing picture. I'm more of an Autumn person myself. It's very calming, everything is coming to a rest. And I like how the leaves change color and get close to my own hair color along the way. It's the ambiance that feels right. Send message.

Piper: Message. I appreciate it so much! I don't wanna just jump right in and ruin everything by being new, like silly old me, what are you doing Piper? But no, I wanna make sure everyone is ready to welcome me in and accept me as a new girl in the group - I come in peace, promise! You do seem like an autumn person, just from what I've seen of you...earthy, relaxed, calm, falling...hehe! The transition towards winter, it suits you. It really does  Laughing Emoji. Send message.

Ivy: Message. Autumn's also one of the most lonely seasons in my observation, which does pretty much sum up me, the loner, as well. And then you got leaves and trees, which is what paper and books are made of. I'm 100% autumn. Hmm, what about your family? What are they like? Send message.

Kizzie wants to chat with Shaun after their Influencers' decision
Kizzie: Message. Hey buddy, how are you feeling after what we had to do as influencers? I can still hardly believe we got influencers at the same time! I'm glad it was you I had to do this with. Send message.

Shaun: Message. Wow. Wow wow wow... That was a tough decision. This must've been how the others have been feeling this whole time! I must say, it's nice to be feeling safe for once, but that felt so harsh to block someone. Poor Addy. She hardly talked to me, so to me, it was a solid choice. I hope it was an alright choice for you too. Are you all alright? How are you holding up? Send message.

Kizzie: Message. I'm doing alright, all things considered. Addy rubbed me the wrong way just before the rating came out, and I feel horrible, but someone had to go because this is the circle. Since it had to be a girl...  I know you are feeling betrayed by Ivy as well, but she has had are backs before. Gosh, there is so much to think about. My head is going in all kinds of directions. If they stop bringing more people into the circle we're going to have to lose people we really like and that is going to suck.

Shaun: Message. I know Ivy and Theron had our best interests when it came to the blocking, but I’m still so mad at both of them for sending Shantelle home. I do have their backs, but I’m still really bitter that it went down that way... I’m glad you’re here, I’m glad to be an influencer with you, and I’m glad we both had the same idea over Addy. Send message.

Kizzie: Message. I'm glad that I was an influencer with you as well. Even if we were trying to stay in the middle. Send message.

Shaun: Message. Yeah, not sure how we ended up at the top two when all we've been doing is surfing the middle. Guess a big wave pushed us to the top! Haha. Glad we got there though! The game is reaching an end, so I would say I'd like to stay as an influencer, but I think I'll be dropped out faster than I think. Send message.

Kizzie: Message. Guess we just have to ride the wave. Though I have no idea how to surf. Joy Emoji. Send message.

Shaun: Message. You’re telling me! I can’t even swim! Worried Emoji. Send message.

Kizzie: Message. Oh no, you too!! Well I mean ... I can, but not for long. I have to hold the side of the pool. Or dock... Or a boat... The dead man's float is a dead man's sink for me. It's weird that I love water so much when I'm such a horrible swimmer. Send message.

Shaun: Message. Shauns are land-dwelling animals, let me tell you. Joy Emoji. No party boat after-party, I'm guessing! Send message.

Kizzie: Message. Oh, I'd be up for a party boat, as long as I stay firmly on the boat. Send message.

Theron wants to chat with Piper
Theron: Message. Hey pretty lady, how's it hanging over there? Smiley Emoji. What are your first impressions of the other players? Send message.

Piper: Message. Hey mister, I’m doing okay...it’s sad we lost Addy, I was liking talking to her, but what can I do? I just got here, I had no say! I’m getting bits and pieces from everyone so far, can’t say I’ve gotten to talk much to Leonard or Willow yet, but I’m sure I will - I think I’ll send them a message after I’ve talked to you. Shaun is a good guy I think, but you’ve been the most welcoming out of the guys. I really appreciate that Theron! Hehe. Who else...oh! Ivy is very welcoming, sort of like the door greeter of the Circle makes sure I’m settled in and stuff... I like that. Kizzie seems kind, a real artistic type. I’ll talk to her more too. No one here really seems mean or horrible - thank god, right? Send message.

Theron: Message. Glad to hear you're good! Addy was a real hoot, loved her. She will be missed. Don't knock yourself about it, like you said you had no say. Shaun is my man, he's a great and genuine guy, can see myself continuing to be friends with him when we get out. I try my best, Sunglasses Emoji, got to welcome everyone with open arms, my mother always told me we've all got to show love to one another. Ivy and Kizzie are great girls! Happy you are feeling welcomed here and some of the others are helping you settle. I'd like to think we're all like a family here now. Yeah, everyone seems really nice! If anyone is ever a dick to you, I'll sort them out for you. Winky face Emoji. Send message.

Piper: Message. : Awww, you'll stand up for me! That's so comforting to hear. Heart Emoji. I definitely like the people here, they didn't pick any bad ones...or did I miss them early in the season? Hehe. Send message.

Theron: Message. Of course, I would, always here to save the day. Muscle Emoji. Joy Emoji. No bad people here, not that I know of anyway. Maybe a few catfishes here and there, can't say I'm suspecting anyone of being one at the moment. Maybe you're a catfish? Tell me, Piper. Are you a catfish?  Just messing with ya, it's cool with me if you are or not. I got a lot of respect, Innocence Emoji, for you already. Send message.

Piper: Message. My hero! Hehe, sorry, am I coming on too strong? Innocence Emoji. I can tell we're really gonna get along, Theron, even though I can't see you in person! I hope I can bust a catfish...I'd love to put them under a spotlight and ask them questions like "Why did you do it, punk?" or "Did it feel good pretending to be someone else? Haha. Stuck out tongue Emoji. I'm just playing, I came here to get to know everyone, not harass them! But if I get to rip off a mask like the Scooby gang...take off your catfish head, old mister Grumpy! Or whatever his name was...Sorry, I don't even know what I'm saying! Smiley Emoji. Send message.

Shayn decides to chat with Ivy
Shaun: Message. Hey Ivysaur. How are you doing? I never responded to your last message about talking more and I felt kind of bad. Grim Emoji. I was going through some kinda sad emotions still after Shantelle left, and then the whole ranking and blocking situation happened. I'm pretty ruined emotionally at the moment. I feel horrible for Addy even though we never talked. I don't know how you've dealt with being an influencer for so long. How did you manage? Sweating Emoji. Send message.

Ivy: Message. I know what you're talking about - I've been in the influencer's hangout for 3 times, so I know the punch of all my conversations being cut short all too well. You know what thought has been helping me though? Just think that once the game is over you can meet again with everyone. And that time there will be no games to play; everyone can be honest and doesn't have to keep up appearances. Keep that in mind and you should have the power to go forward. Send message.

Shaun: Message. That’s some great advice! Thanks! I honestly think the whole cast needs to get together and have a great gathering once all this is over. I know it’s a different experience seeing people face to face, but I can honestly say I’ve made some great friends here in the circle. So, I can’t wait for that! Send message.

Ivy: Message. Yeah... I do think that I'll be a bit anxious at first, though I think that since we've gotten to know each other for a good chunk already the hurdle for me would lie a good bit lower. I have a list of people I want to keep meeting after the show. Send message.

Shaun: Message. Well, I sure hope that I'm on that list Ivester. You're a likable and smart lady, and I've enjoyed all your wisdom and the conversations we've had. So I hope that we'll kick it off as friends, post-game, ya know? Send message.

Ivy: Message. You certainly are, you were one of the first ones I've had contact with back in round one. I think you're a good person. Send message.

Then it's time for an Alert!

Kizzie: Why do I get all the Alerts first every time?

Michelle: Because you are on the top of the Sims list... ;)

Shaun: Aww... A new Player. I really hope it's a guy this time. Not that I will complain if it is a sexy girl... Hehe. I love all the sexy girls.

Ivy: A date? Cool... I hope the questions aren't difficult.

Willow: Oooh, they will show us the newbie in 8 parts...

Theron: Mmm... The newbie's name is Rodrigo... A guy's name? I guess he must be a Taurus...

Piper: He got a pink shirt so his favorite color must be Lilac then...

Leonard: A guy with a pink shirt on must love Hip Hop Music?

Rodrigo: I really hope I can make tons of friends here... They all seem cool.

Kizzie: I'm sure this guy must love money... Who doesn't? Hehe.

Shaun: Ouch this guy doesn't have a face... Art Appraiser?

Ivy: I'm sure he must be a Bookworm like me. hehe... If he is, I'm sure we will get along fine...

Willow: Dog?

Theron: Me? Hehe.

Piper: Lucky fish!

Willow: Aww, awesome! I got a date with the newbie? Where will it be? Here or in the Hangout?

Michelle: Sorry, just there where you are now... You are in lockdown because of the Coronavirus... ;) 

(Sorry, I forgot to take pictures of them in the hangout)

Message. Hi! Nice to meet you - and just so we get this over with, I'm sorry about the breakup. Send message.

Rodrigo: Ah man, couldn't I get a date with one of the sexy guys...? Oh well...

Michelle: Don't be rude, Roddy... Don't be rude.

Message. Hey babe, nice to meet you too, I'm loving the whole queen of mean vibe you got going on, you look Hashtag Fierce!   And yeah thanks, he was a complete tool anyways, I won't go into all the deets but he was a two-timing slimeball and I'm well rid of him. Enough about that asshole and more about you though, who does your hair? I'm well jell, might have to trade style tips. Send message.

Willow: Message. Ooh, thank you! Grinning face Emoji. I try to be silk hiding steel, but unfortunately with the way the financial sector is (#MeToo) I've had to grow some pretty tough armor... Ugh, sorry to hear about your cheating ex, that must be the worst, broken heart Emoji, and thank you! She's a childhood friend actually - one of my old schoolmates set up a salon a couple of streets away from my office! Talk about convenience and totally, I would love to! I'll go first - if you can stand it, doing your final rinse with cold water makes your hair SUPER shiny - if you can stand it. Freezing face Emoji. Send message.

Rodrigo: Message. Oh, I can totally see that, you gotta stand up for yourself these days or else people will just treat you like a doormat, no harm in being strong-minded and let me just say, you make it work! Yeah, breakups are the worst, we were together for 3 years but I noticed he was kinda off with me the last few months, then I found out why... I try to forget about it but you know, it's hard when someone you trust completely throws it back in your face, I could never do that to someone. Broken heart Emoji. Now I am seriously jealous, I mean not only do you look absolutely stunning but you have friends who are equally stunning, some people just have all the luck. Joyful Emoji. I'm in the trade myself, I work at a Salon so I've picked up a few tips if you've already got the product on your hair, wet it with a light spritz from a water bottle and you'll have a second days use out of it. Trust me, in this day and age, you can afford to be thrifty and still look gorgeous. Winky face Emoji. Send message.

And then another Alert

Willow: Hey! I'm still on a 'date' with Rodrigo...

Michelle: Sorry, Willow, we have more interesting things to do... ;)

Rodrigo: Awww, I guess I need to get into my dancing gear...

Kizzie: Awesome! This should be fun!

Ivy: But I can't dance...

Theron: If I don't get these all right, I will be looking a bit odd.

Rodrigo: Okay, let's start...

Kizzie: Oooh, like this...

Shaun: I can't dance! What is this?

Shaun: Oops, I almost break my virgin... ;)

Ivy: Oooh, I love this... It's so much fun!

Michelle: I thought you can't dance?

Willow: I can boogie! Woot!

Theron: I really think I will ace this! I did all these moves in the dance club!

Piper: Oooh, where is my partner?

Leonard: Shake, shake, shake! Hehe...

And after the excitement...

Kizzie: Stop giving me heart attacks, Circle!

Shaun: I really hope I'm not Influencer again! It's okay to be safe but I don't like to block people!

Ivy: I really need to plan my strategy carefully... Who can I trust in this game? Who will take me to the final 5?

Willow: I don't feel good... Can I skip this time?

Michelle: Sowwy...

Theron: I'm nervous now...

Piper: Let's do this... Theron is really sweet to me! I think he might keep me around if I keep him around, so I've put him in my top spot - let's hope for the best!

Leonard: I need to put the guys first so Ivy will be 3rd then.

Rodrigo: If I could rate then I'd guess I'd put Willow at the top, she is just iconic, everyone else is really good looking, makes me so self-conscious. I'd put Shaun, Leonard and Ivy next, no particular order, then Theron, Kizzie, and Piper last, just because she is a year younger than me and I wanted to be the youngest and prettiest. #Not Bitchy at all :D Seriously, she is way too pretty, I'm so jelly, here's Piper looking like a princess and here's me looking like a frog.

Kizzie: I'm still weirded out by the "I swear I'm not a catfish" bit so I will put Willow in 5th place.

Shaun: I will put Kizzie in the 1st place. We’re close and I trust her 100% to have my back in this game. I’m hoping she’ll make it until the end. She’s a great friend.

Ivy: Shaun and I got a good conversation today and I think I can trust him, so I will put him in my 2nd place.

Willow: I just love Piper's energy and will put her in my 1st place!

Theron: Yes! Glad that's over!


Kizzie: What now, Circle?

Shaun: Uh, uh... I think here comes trouble...

Ivy: What are you doing, Circle? Are you trying to create a war between us?

Willow: This could be fun... I think.

Theron: Definitely me!

Piper: Hmm....can I say none? If I have to pick a name, a face...I'd go with Ivy. (but not in a cruel way, I don't hate her)

Leonard: I really think Theron...

Rodrigo: It must be Ivy, gotta be, she's like house mom atm.

Kizzie: Willow, just because...

Shaun: Oooh, this should be interesting.

Ivy: I don't agree with that... Willow is my sexiest person!

Willow: "Okay, so I get why I'm an obvious catfish - and I wish I could see their faces when they find out I really was me all along - but two-faced?! Come on!"

Theron: Ivy, Shaun and I as the biggest players. Right can see that considering we're the only originals.

Piper: I can agree with that...

Leonard: I guess she shouldn't promise she isn't... Hehe.

And after that Rodrigo decided it's time to get to know the guys better
Rodrigo: Message. Hey boys, thought I'd be the one to make the first move and start the introductions. I've already spoken to one of the girls and thought I'd get to know you all better, I won't lie, I just wanted an excuse to put all the hot guys in the same chat. Smiley Face Emoji. So, what's been going on so far? What have I missed? Who's the biggest troublemaker and who do I have to watch out for? Coming into the game this late I just can't help but feel like I'm fashionably late to the party. Joy Emoji. Send message.

Theron: Aww, our new guy...

Message. Yessss, Rodrigo, welcome to the circle family. Nice to see you ain't shy to introduce yourself! We were actually discussing adding you to the boys' chat. We're all pretty sexy here, ain't we? Winky Emoji. Wouldn't say a lot has gone on here, nothing too juicy anyway. Lost a few great people and a catfish. Don't think there is anyone to watch out for, not that I know of, I'm clueless most of the time though, haha. The troublemaker here is me not really. So, what made you join the circle? Send message.

Rodrigo: Message. Thanks for the welcome T, oh and trust me, I'm not shy. Laughing Emoji. A boys chat huh? So this is like a No Girls allowed thing or what? I'm not judging, I just don't wanna break club rules or anything. Stuck out tongue Emoji. I won't lie, I'm kinda disappointed, I was hoping to catch up on all the goss but looks like it's been like an old folk home in here, not to worry, I'll soon change that, I can be a bit of a troublemaker too. Winky Emoji. What made me want to join? Oh, I needed a distraction babe, been through a messy break-up, had to kick some cheating butt to the curb. Now, I'm just looking for some new people to hang out with. Send Emoji.

Leonard: Message. Hey Rodrigo. Before I start talking I wanna know who's in this chat. It's just us, men? Send message.

Rodrigo: Message. Just us boys in here, why? What's the problem, Leo? You scared the girls might be spying on you? Laughing Tears Emoji. Send message.

Theron: Message. Yep, no girls allowed. Just kidding, girls can join if they wanted. Figured the girls had a chat, so I made one for us boys. Old folks home? Man, the viewers probably thinking we all really lame, Laughing tears Emoji, what kinda trouble you like getting yourself into then? Ahhh Nah, the last serious relationship I was cheated on, really knocked my confidence dude. Hope you are doing right, here if you need me. Send message.

Rodrigo: Message. Doing the best I can, not something that you can really let go when you've had a year like I've had, I don't really wanna depress myself with thinking about it though. Hashtag Moving on. Btw congrats T on winning the dance comp, I guess you had an advantage, I mean I knew you were a professional dancer but I didn't know you were that good. Laughing tears Emoji. Send message.

Theron: Message. Man, really sorry to hear you've had a rough year. Best to think about the future and what great things you can do with your life! Thanks for the congrats, what kinda dancer would I be if I didn't get them all right? Laughing tears Emoji. It's possible there are some dance styles out there I don't know of. Loved watching you dance, you got some moves there boy! Send message.

Shaun: Message. Yo Rodrigo. Hows it hanging! Nice of another guy to finally join us, it's only taken like all season! Oh, and you want the fun gossip, hey? I'm feeling there may be a catfish or two still in the game. Now that's gossipy, right? Also, I totally tanked at that dance challenge Hashtag TwoLeftFeet. Send message.

Rodrigo: Message. Hey Shaun. Yeah, I noticed you guys have been outnumbered for a while, lucky you though, you've got me now. Winky Emoji. I reckon there are at least 2 Catfish atm easy, gotta be. Send message.

Leonard: Message. Yeah, there's definitely a couple of catfishes out there. Mostly everyone who's been blocked has been real so far so IDK. Send message.

Theron: Message. Yeah, the name "Hi Guys" spun me out a little, One eye Stuck out tongue Emoji, Shaun, who are you thinking is a catfish then? Spill the beans. I ain't got a clue myself, definitely gotta be something I'm missing here, LOL. Send message.

Shaun: Message. See, I know the people from the start too well. Call me naive but I feel like Ivy is telling the truth, I know Theron is, and especially Kizzie who was the first intruder! I can’t see anyone being a catfish, ya know? Send message.

Leonard: Message. Honestly, I don't trust Willow saying she's not a catfish. The lady doth protest too much or whatever. Send message.

Ivy decides to strengthen her relationship with Theron 
Ivy: Message. Hi, it's been a while since we chatted. How're you doing? I think you should also try and contact the new Rodrigo guy, you both seem to be into dancing. I see bonding potential. Send message.

Theron: Message. Hey hey, everything is super fine over here. What about you? I hope everything is good in Ivy town. I loved doing that portrait of you, not that I'm much of an artist. Quite the big head you gave me, hope you don't think I'm big-headed? Or maybe my head is just big. Yeah, you're right. Just had a message come through from the new guy, gonna get my talk on. He's gonna wish he never started a conversation with this blabbermouth! Send message.

Ivy: Message. Yeah, I'm quite fine, though I do feel like the game is getting to me at times and making me feel nervous. Though I guess that goes for everyone, especially us guys who've been in here since day 1. I do think your portrait of me turned out well. The glitters were a nice touch. I loved the effect they had. Yeah, I guess it looks kind of odd, though to be honest, I tried to draw a caricature out of you. And caricatures often have bigger heads so that more detail and expression can be shown. I sicced him upon you, so good luck making a new friend. Send message.

Kizzie wondered why she didn't hear from Leonard lately
Kizzie: You coping better being cooped up in the circle?

Leonard: Message. Oh for sure. So what do you think of the hot tub? It should be interesting to hear your opinion. Sunglasses Emoji. Send message.

Kizzie: Message. Dude I love hot tubs! Every time I went to hotels with my mom on her business trips I had to be watched because of the time limit. Laughing tears Emoji. Send message.

Leonard: Message. A time limit, you say? Never been to one of those fancy places with a hot tub haha. Imma head to the hot tub now. I hope no one's using it. Send message.

Kizzie: Message. Have a great time! it's a wonderful getaway from all the walls. Send message.

Another guy Ivy seeing forward to know better is Rodrigo, the newbie
Ivy: Message. Hello Rodrigo, welcome to the Circle. My name is Ivy, I am the local bookworm here. I think you might get along with Theron well, you're both pretty good dancers. What's your story? Send message.

Rodrigo: Oooh...

Message. Hey, nice to meet you, Ivy! I'm waving to you atm but you can't see it, um... just have to imagine it, so here's me waving at a screen. Waving hand Emoji. I'm kind of between boyfriends atm, The Circle is a bit of a distraction from a major break up I've just been through but I really don't wanna depress myself with that clown so I'll save that story for another time. Yeah, Theron looks totes fit, I can see him being a dancer, I'll have to ask him about that, he looks like a fun guy to hang out with. So, you're a bookworm huh? What sort of books do you like? I'm thinking you read some real thick doorstoppers, 300+ pages, and stuff. I mean you look super smart, ngl, smarter than me probs. Send message.

Ivy: Message. Oof, I'm sorry to hear that. Let's not focus on that then. He's typing himself as the fun-loving guy so if that's what you're looking for in a buddy ship then he's your go-to guy. I can indeed confirm I've read some books that are so thick that you could use them as bricks. Though light stuff can be good as well. If the plot is good and well-thought I can appreciate it. Being smart is a relative idea. Book-smarts I'm probably one of the biggest contenders in this group, pun not intended, but there are other ways to be clever too. When it comes to people-smarts I absolutely think you'd beat me. Send message.

Rodrigo: Message. Yeah, a lot of people telling me I'd get on with Theron, I'm just thinking it all seems too good to be true, know what I'm saying? He's kind of Mr. Popular atm, definitely my type but reminds me a little too much of my ex right now which ain't good. I could tell, you got that whole Hermione Granger vibe going on which I am living for, I Heart Emoji it. I hope you don't mind but I haven't really got to know people too well yet so I put you as my Most Trustworthy in the poll, Idk why you just seemed like someone I could trust and who was genuine, plz let me know if you are not. People-smarts? lol, I'm not sure about that. Send message.

Theron decides to continue his chat with Piper
Theron: Message. Too strong? Nah, I'm pretty easy going. Don't gotta worry about anything with me. Winky Emoji. You know, you remind me of Shantelle. She was blocked when I was influencer last and I stupidly didn't save her... Anyway, that does sound fun to interrogate the catfishes. Couldn't do it myself, I'll be the good cop to your bad cop. Ahhhh, Scooby doo was the best. I had a crush on Velma when I was a kid, LOL. Send message.

Piper: Message. Good to know...Theronie...nope, that does not work, I need a cute nickname for you! Oh, I hope I remind you of her in a good way, haha. Sad that she got blocked...but that's the game, I guess, and you've got me now! Awww, of course, you had a crush on her, I just wanted to have Scooby as a pet, since I was barely talking. Imagine a talking dog....mmm, I want. Send message.

Theron: Theronie is a good name, reminds me of pepperoni. Pepperoni is good! Of course, both pretty girls that like to have fun! Yeah, my fault she was blocked. I'll for sure to learn from that big mistake. We will have to party together when we get outta here, what do ya say? A talking dog would be sweet, imagine that? Everybody needs a scooby in their life. Send message.

Piper: I’ll keep calling you Theronie then! Hehe, like pepperoni. I could soo do with a pepperoni pizza right now! My mouth is watering for pizza, do you think I can ask for them to order me one? What if I ask nicely? Hehe... We definitely have to party at the end of all this, I wanna dance and actually meet you in person! Send message.

Rodrigo decides it won't hurt to start a relationship with one of the previous Influencers
Rodrigo: Message. Hey girl! I just wanted to say Hi and compliment you on your profile pic. Your hair looks totes amazing, I, Heart Emoji, your style, you are just too cute in that pic with that older guy. Smiley Emoji. I wanna say that's your dad but Idk maybe it's your sugar daddy, I'm not judging.  Of course, if that's all a filter and underneath you are a fake then shame on you for making me feel bad. jk, seriously though you remind me so much of my BFF Hannah, it's just unreal. She's into the arts as well, she's a ballet teacher. I and Han are always going out for coffee so I thought maybe you'd like to chat? What sort of arts are you into? Is it like painting arts or performing arts? Send message.

Kizzie: Message. Woah, text message wall. Thank you so much, my hair is the part of my appearance I'm most proud of. That's me and my dad laughing about some joke during one of our family outings. I love dancing but only in the kitchen where no one can see me or at a club where everyone else is being watched, not me. I'm more the color arts. Drawing, painting, interior design. Send message.

Rodrigo: Message. Soz, I got so excited to talk to you, lol. I'll try and reel it in a bit instead of just blah, word soup all over the screen. I had a feeling it was your dad, you two look alike but hey, you know, I didn't want to jump to conclusions in 2020. Omg, you don't like people watching you dance? I'm surprised, you don't look the shy and retiring type, you must be like me then, I may have an air of confidence about me but secretly, between you and me, I am so self-conscious when it comes to my appearance. Send message.

Shaun wants a one on one talk with Theron
Shaun: Message. So, you naturally aced that dance challenge. You've got all the smooth moves, right? Do they impress the ladies when you're out at the club? I'm sure your moves pull all the ladies right. I may need some tips on that front. Hashtag ChickMagnet. send message.

Theron: Message. I would have embarrassed myself if I didn't! I don't show off my moves too much in the club, don't wanna seem like a showoff, but gotta admit that if I'm really intoxicated I can go full out with the dancing, do attract some attention from the ladies (and men), most people probably be rolling their eyes at me. You don't need any dancing tips from me, bet you're a smooth talker with the ladies. Happy to show you some moves one day my friend. Send message.

But their conversation got cut short 

Kizzie: Do you have the results of the Ratings, Circle?

Shaun: I'm nervous...

Ivy: I don't want to be 6 or 7th...

Willow: Oh no! Not again! Guys!

Theron: Can I hope to be higher this time?

Piper: I guess for a newbie that is a good place to be... Yes!

Leonard: I'm sure Shaun or Theron will be in that place... 

Rodrigo: Oooh, Shaun... 

Kizzie: Wow! I can't believe I'm an Influencer again!

Shaun: Yes! I'm happy with the influencers this time!

Ivy: I'm not sure if one of them will save me. Now I'm scared...

Willow: Can I go pack my bags?

Theron: I guess it's time to block someone, again.

And everyone else goes to the 'AT RISK CHAT'
Shaun: Message. Good luck everyone on the blocking! The worst time of this game, but I wish everyone the luck and strength to get through it. Send message.

Ivy: Message. Yeah. It's the worst part of the show. Wishing every one of you good luck. Send message.

Willow: Message. Good luck everyone. Send message.

Piper: Message. All the best to everyone! Send message.

Leonard: Message. Good luck everyone! It's back to the real world for some of us. Send message.

Rodrigo: Good luck to all you guys. Send message.

And in the hangout

Shaun: It's time... Good luck everyone!

Ivy: I got butterflies in my stomach.

Willow: Just spill it out!

Piper: Do we have a relationship?

Leonard: Please!

Rodrigo: Was it because of the 'catfish' thingy?

Kizzie: Aww man... I'm sorry...

Theron: What now?

Shaun: I guess everyone knows that...

Ivy: Aww, I hope she will visit me...

Piper: I wonder who will it be?

Somewhere in the building

Who will Willow meet?

To be continued


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