Episode 8 - Declare Your Rival

Welcome back to Episode 8

We left off where Leonard was blocked by the influencers and is on his way to meet one of you now

Lenna: Hello...

Lenna: Yo, dude! How's it hanging? I guess you can finally, see what I look like IRL, but if I'm lucky, it won't be like this for long

Theron: Get outta here, I did not see this coming. Woooow, how you doing? You the twin sis, right? Ahh man, I'm trippin! Thanks for coming to see me. What do you mean by the last part? I'm guessing there is a reason you pretended to be your brother!

Lenna: Nah, I don't have a brother named Leonard. I'm trans, haha. Hopefully, I'll get to be Leonard someday. You know, I actually felt a lot more comfortable being him on this show. And thanks for being a bro, Theron!

Theron: Ahhhh, I got you. Leonard is your goal! Sorry for being a dope, haha. I'm happy you felt comfortable enough with me to visit, I'll be there for you throughout your journey if you ever need me! All love from me my dude, we still better be going out for drinks after this, yeah? Hope you're feeling OK after being blocked, was pretty shocked.

Lenna: Oh yeah, for real. We're going out for drinks. I've been too shy to go out to bars that often, but after talking with you guys, I guess it'll be fun.
And thanks for understanding, my man! My parents are still adjusting to it after I told them a few years ago but they're not completely against it.
Yeah, I felt like it was my time soon enough. I only spoke to a few people during my time here so I figured someone would block me soon enough. I ain't sad though. It was fun.

Theron: Yeah boyyy, I can't wait. You'll be fine with me, don't gotta be shy. We'll all have fun and get drunk! I feel a lot closer to you after meeting the real you.
No, thank you, for putting yourself out there and letting us get to know your awesome self! I mean, it's good your parents aren't against it. I can imagine there is nothing worse than that. You can't help who you are.
Glad you ain't sad about it, I always felt you were holding somethin back but couldn't put my finger on it. You're a cool dude and I wish you all the luck in the world, my friend.

Lenna: Awesome. Thanks! Nice to see you're the real deal. Good luck and win this thing! I'll see y'all again soon.

Theron: Thank you, my friend, I'll look forward to seeing you again soon. Take care of yourself, yeah? Thanks again for visiting me!

Lenna: Aight. I'll see ya soon too. And no problem. Can't leave my best bro hanging. 

Theron: Before you go, come give your bro a hug!

And in another part of the building
Michelle: Did you burn your meal, dude?

Michelle: Why is everyone having a burnt meal?

Michelle: Ivy, I guess making a salad is the best idea...

Michelle: I hope you're watching that carefully that it doesn't burn...

Michelle: Are you dreaming about a burnt meal or about Jayden...?

Kizzie is getting in bed, I think she already has her burnt meal...

Theron is getting in bed...

The next morning...

Michelle: Ooooh, someone else's naked body...

Michelle: Did you forget to wash your dishes last night?

Michelle: You definitely forget to wash your dishes last night

And Shaun decided to get something off his chest
Shaun: Aww... I really feel bad that we blocked Leonard... 

Message. Well, I officially feel gross for taking a part in that blocking... Sorry guys. I don’t think he had a good relationship with Kizzie at all, and he hasn’t talked to me personally for a long while. I didn’t want him gone, but he was an option. One that got taken. Send message.

Theron: I'm sure you are feeling bad, bro... I had that feeling when I blocked Shantelle.

Message. Bro, don't knock yourself, you did what you had to do. I only really spoken to him in our group chat, although I think he's a cool guy, I don't know him as well as some of the other players. I ain't gonna be holding any grudges, it's a game. Love ya bro, congrats on being influencer again! Send message.

Shaun: Message. Thanks, Bro. I appreciate the support. There was a zero percent chance I was sending home you, Theron, or you, Rodrigo. But I’m sure Leonard felt he was 100% safe with me. I feel I failed him. I guess I got a whole lot of apologizing to do after the show, eh. Send message.

Rodrigo: Message. Yeah, I can totally see why he was blocked given the circumstances, I hadn't really spoken to him too much outside of this chat either, I guess you guys must have felt the same way about him? Just don't be too hard on yourself Shaun, I think you did a great job as an influencer, it's all part of the game and I'm sure he'll understand. Winky face Emoji. Send message.

Jayden: Message. It's definitely a hard position to be in and I can't believe the pressure you and Kiz must have had to make that decision. I didn't really know Leonard too much. It's a shame because he seemed cool but that is the game. Send message.

Shaun: I'm so glad everyone is taking it so well.

Message. He was a great guy and really bonded with us when we were outnumbered 6-3 with the ladies. Sadly, it's not been much personal talk since then. Kizzie felt the same, so that's how it went. We gotta keep on keeping on though. Focus on the now and the future instead of the past, right? Send message.

After the chat with the guys, he opens a chat with his co-influencer
Shaun: I feel absolutely disgusted in myself. This was the hardest blocking for me so far and I know Leonard must’ve had my back from the times we bonded over there being only three guys, and I still blocked him. I honestly feel like I wanna just sit down and cry all day. I feel that repulsive about this decision. Shocked Emoji. Maybe I should be the one to go home... Send message.

Kizzie: Awww... 

Message. Mutual feeling. Leonard was a friend I think. But he wasn't talking to me much anymore and someone had to go. Doesn't make it suck any less and I really hope he understands that it's just the game. Virtual hugs. We just have to make it up to him after the circle is over. Hang in there, Shaun. Send message.

Shaun: Aww... Kizzie is so sweet and so supportive...

Message. Thanks, Kiz. I'm gonna try and keep on keeping on, but sometimes I forget how rough this game can be on your emotions. I'm glad to have made friends in here though for support, I just don't ever wanna see them go home before me, ya know? Send message.

Jayden decides to open a chat with Ivy
Jayden: Message. Ivy! I'm so happy you're still here, I wouldn't want my fellow amiga to go home, we're still due to an Italian cuisine night. Stuck out tongue Emoji. How are you feeling about Leonard leaving? We're you close with him? Send message.

Michelle: Jayden, your leg is stuck into the couch! Awwwww.....

Ivy: Message. Yeah, we're both still in it, which is great. I gotta admit that Leonard is the person I felt the least close to out of everyone in the Circle last round. But I got a chat with him the day he left, so it's still difficult. That's right, we still need Michelle to give us our Italian cuisine night! Michelle, what's it with you? Did Ned eat it all? Send message.

Michelle: Yes he did! Bad boy!

Jayden: Message. That is interesting, I gotta say I didn't know him too well but it is sad to see him go. If Ned ate it all that'll be very disappointing, perhaps he could make it up with organizing a different kind of cuisine night? Got any suggestions Ivy? Send message.

Rodrigo decides to chat with Piper
Rodrigo: Message. Hey Pip! Thought it was about time me and you got to know each other better, I like have been waiting for ages for you to give me a call but thought maybe you were a little shy? Blushing Emoji. Either that or you didn't like me or something? Crying Emoji. You seem a bit mysterious to me, all I'm getting from your profile is that you have a serious obsession with Grilled Cheese. Joy Emoji. Cheese Emoji. So, tell me something about yourself? What do you like to do for fun? Send message.

Piper: Message. Pip! I lovvve it! Hey Ro, how are you holding up? This game is a wild ride, right? I’m a little shy sometimes, but I promise, promise I didn’t avoid you or anything! You start talking to people and lose track of your day and then it’s ranking time and then someone goes! I didn’t even get a good chance to talk to Leonard! Hehe, grilled cheese is amazing but that’s not my complete personality! I just like telling people a fun fact about me. For fun, though...I like sculpting, I like going to the beach, hanging with friends. Fun fact! I won a spelling bee once...but I was younger, I think I was eight? A lot has changed since then! Send message.

Rodrigo: Message. I'm holding up quite well thanks, apart from when I get like completely washed away by a sea of messages in my inbox. Laughing Emoji. But yeah, it's been fun so far, it's nice to have so many different people to chat to. Oh, tell me about it, it's been one heck of a wild ride, I was kind of thrown in at the deep end on my first day, then it's been non-stop ever since. Hashtag Needabreak ngl, I honestly thought you were ignoring me when some of the others said you were talking to them and I was like "Who is this Piper you speak of?" Joy Emoji. But I'm glad I got to talk to you now, otherwise one of us could have gone home without ever saying anything to each other. Shocked Emoji. Send message.

Theron opens a chat with Kizzie
Theron: Message. Yeah, about the anonymous question, though I'd shoot my shot. Just love how genuine and sincere you are, I could do with someone like you in my life, whether that is as a friend or more than that. Seriously stoked you said yes, didn't really think you would. I'm not as confident as I present myself. Yummy Emoji. Congrats on being influencer again, gorgeous. You are the kween! I hope you don't feel too bad about letting Leonard go. Send message.

Kizzie: Message. Thanks, and I do feel bad. But had to pick someone and sadly Leonard hadn't been talking to me much anymore. It's going to be even harder if I get influencers again. I want to be friends with everyone. You not confident though? That's a shocker, you seem so confident to me. Send message.

Theron: Message. I'm sorry you feel bad, try not to let it get to ya. I hadn't been talking much to Leonard outside the boys chat, think he's a pretty reserved person. I hope to still be friends with him when we get outta here. If you get influencer again next then your seriously killing this game! Nah, I lost a lot of my confidence when my ex cheated on me, makes you wonder if something is wrong with you. I just try not to let life get me down! Send message.

Kizzie: Message. Yeah... I know what you mean about cheating exes. The worst time in my life I had to send the guy to jail... And my boyfriend at the time decided he wanted to have a spin with his cousin. "She's not blood-related so it's okay. I'm sorry. We can still be together. It's over with her." Yeah right... Been single since. Send message.

Theron: Message. Girl, that's rough. I'm so sorry you were done dirty like that. What kinda person thinks it's acceptable to be with their cousin? I haven't been in a relationship since my ex, a few dates here and there but never clicked with anyone. While I was with my ex, she got pregnant. You know I was stoked to become a dad, turns out I wasn't the baby daddy. It is what it is, people suck. Not everyone is bad, you just gotta find the right person! Send message.

Kizzie: Message. Yup, exes suck. Well, we can try the dating thing and see if we click still face to face. Blushing Emoji. Send message.

Jayden decides to talk to Shaun
Jayden: Message. Hey dude! How are you doing after the blocking? Try not to feel any shame, you did what you thought was fair and that is something that's admirable. Here if you want to talk about it or anything on your mind. Send message.

Shaun: Message. Yo Jaydo. I hope all is well with you today. Yeah, sadly it just totally wrecked me on the inside. I feel like I've done a massive betrayal to Leonard, but I'm sure there must be some sort of understanding from him about where we were at conversation wise. We just stopped talking pretty much. Anyway, I appreciate you coming to me with some support. How are you doing over there? Worried at all about the potential to get blocked now? Send message.

Jayden: Message. I'm not too bad, finding stuff to keep me out of trouble. Stuck out tongue Emoji. I hope he understands it wasn't personal, it's a fun game and no one here has any malice to hurt someone. I'm sure once this is over you'll be able to talk to him about it without any shame. I'll be honest, I'm incredibly nervous. Since I haven't been here long I'm trying to get to know people but fully expect to be the one next to go. I hope not as I've only just started this experience but I totally get it if I am. How are you feeling about it now we're getting down to smaller numbers? Send message.

Shaun: Message. The boredom sunk in yet? It's surprising how little there is to do in these small apartments, trust me, I've been here since the start. Laughing Emoji. As for the blocking, I'd just keep being you and going out and talking as much as you can. People appreciate the effort! I know I do. It'll be enough to keep you around, man. Just keep doing you. As for how I'm feeling... Well, I'm sad it's coming to an end, and surprised I've even made it this close to the final episodes. I'm proud of myself! I thought I'd be cut first for sure! Send message.

Jayden: Message. Absolutely! It didn't take long. I can't imagine how boring it must be for you, HANG ON IN THERE MAN! XD Yeah, that's what I'm trying to do, if I am the next to go I at least want to get to know everyone while I'm here. It'd be a waste of an opportunity if I didn't. Speaking of, I have a question: What other interests aside from film do you have, Man? You've done a fantastic job staying in this long too! I think you have what it takes to get to the end, heck even win the show. Hashtag winning. Send message.

And the first alert of the day

Kizzie: Oooh, are we getting Leonard's video or are we getting another Player?

Theron: Aww... Sorry, Bro... I would have kept you in the game if I was Influencer...

Shaun: I called it! I knew it was the twin!

Ivy: Aww, this whole story is so wholesome! Lenna got to live the future dream for a bit in the Circle. Hope you'll be the Leonard you belong in 10 years, Lenna.

Piper: Omg, I did not expect that that made me quite emotional tbh.

Rodrigo: Holy wow! That's so amazing, glad Leonard got to live out his dream a bit early on the Circle...

Jayden:  I didn't think Leonard was a catfish at all! xD Lenna is Leonard. That's all. Much love for Leonard

And after the excitement
Ivy: Message. Oh my goodness... After seeing that video I gained a lot of respect for Leonard. Being on a show to establish your future, coming out to the masses in this way... Lenna/Leonard, if I was wearing a hat I'd take it off for you. Send message.

Jayden: Message. I had a small feeling in my gut Leonard wasn't who he said he was, but that was very touching! I wish Lenna all the best of look in his transition to Leonard! I need a virtual hug! Send message.

Ivy: Message. I'm not too good at hugging.. but this situation is asking for it. Hugging Emoji. Send message.

Jayden: Message. Awwww! Thanks, Ivy, you're a good virtual hugger. Stuck out tongue Emoji. Now there's only 7 left and it feels oddly quiet in here, you've done really well to get this far into the game Ivy. Smiley Emoji. Send message.

Ivy: Message. Oh, thanks for the compliments. I guess my hugs are better than I thought. Only seven remainings... It's weird to think about how it's only a few more days and then the entire game is over. Sadly you couldn't have entered the Circle at an earlier stage. So many people didn't get to meet, so many challenges you've missed. Send message.

Jayden: Message. I know yeah, I'd have loved to have been in here earlier, it feels like I've come in at the end of a killer party! I'm enjoying my time here though, I hope we get some more fun challenges to do before I go. Send message.

Kizzie decides to continue her conversation with Shaun that was cut short with Leonard's video
Kizzie: Message. Yeah, I get it, I'm super glad to have such good friends in here as well. Heart Emoji. I'm still a little shocked that Leonard was Lenna... and will be Leonard again. I swear my jaw actually hit the floor during her video. His? I hope his transformation goes well though and I'm glad he got to be himself in here. I feel like I need a drink to process everything that has been going on. Send message.

Shaun: Message. I know right! How crazy is that? When I saw that video, I was just so shocked. It makes me feel even worse that I was the one to end his experience... We. We were the ones to end his experience. Makes it 10 times worse. Ugh... What a wholesome experience it must've been though! Bet it didn't feel like a catfish lie and felt more like the ability to just be himself. I love it! Though it makes me think differently about some of the people still in the game. I wonder who else is hiding and why! Send message.

Kizzie: Message. Yes, we were. I offered to team up and renovate houses for Leonard to flip since my dad and I do construction stuff, perhaps that can still happen and we can get Leonard enough money to actually be Leonard! I don't think I would have known if it weren't for that video though. I really liked him... Darn it this game is hard. If anyone else is hiding I'm pretty clueless. Send message.

Jayden decides to see if he can convince Piper to chat with him. She's extremely quiet these days.
Jayden: Message. Hey Piper! I'm so glad Shaun and Kiz kept you, you're a really lovely girl and I'd love to get to know you a little better. Send message.

Michelle: Oh no... Now both of his feet are stuck! :o

Piper: Message. Hey Jaydey! I’m so glad to still be here too! I think I have a great connection with both of them, so I think even if everyone else puts me right down the bottom of the leaderboard again maybe they’ll keep me from saying bye-bye.
I’m all ears for some more chat, tell me more about what you do on the weekends! Send message.

Jayden: Message. That's good to know, it's brilliant to have the support from others especially if you end up in a sticky situation like that. On the weekends, I'm an avid gamer so that takes up a bit of time but when I'm not doing that I love going out socializing at bars. There's this bar in our town where I and my friends go, it has shuffleboards, darts, pool tables, ping pong tables. If there's any sort of play, I'm there! Hashtag Addicted2TheGame. Send message.

Theron decides to have a word with Ivy
Theron: Message. Hello, is it me you're looking for? Our conversation was cut a little short last time! How you feeling after Leonard coming out? I'm really proud of him. Send message.

Ivy: Message. At the moment it's Leonard I'm looking for, there's so much I want to tell him/Lenna, but sadly this game has people blocked from us... I have so much respect for Lenna to come out as trans so publicly, so proudly... And I wish I'd have talked to Leonard more the past weeks. Send message.

Theron: Message. Leonard is such a cool dude. I have so much more respect for him after the truth was revealed, I can't even begin to imagine living your life in the wrong body! Hate not being able to talk with the blocked players but we will get to talk with them all soon. Did you not get to chat with him much then? Send message.

Ivy: Message. Yeah, being lesbian I have been through similar questionings of my own identity myself, but Lenna must've been through worse inner turmoil, which is difficult for me to imagine as well.
To be honest I didn't find a good shared interest or experience with Leonard during our time together in the Circle. He profiled himself as a more extraverted party goer in the city, which is the opposite of the introverted rural book worm that I am. Send message.

Rodrigo opens a chat with Kizzie
Rodrigo: Message. Thanks, Kiz for not blocking me, I was so worried about the ranking. Crying Emoji. I had this horrid feeling that you guys would pull a Willow and block me cuz I was the newbie and you all had like this pre-existing bond with everyone else. Smiley Emoji. Seriously, If I ever make it to being an influencer you can rely on me to keep you safe. Hashtag BFF Heart Emoji. Send message.

Kizzie: Message. Being an influencer is hard, you have to block people from the circle that you like. Honestly, you were safe with me though. Heart Emoji. I've been really enjoying talking to you even though you've just joined the circle. Until the moment, you really don't know who it's going to be, and each blocking is horrible. Send message.

Rodrigo: Message. I can imagine Kiz, any position of power is a tough one and here you are like holding people's lives in your hands! Scream Emoji. Okay, maybe I'm being a bit over-dramatic. Joy Emoji. It is a horrible feeling but I guess that's the way the game is designed, if it was too easy we'd all just keep each other around and no one would ever leave. Send message.

Kizzie: Message. Isn't that the truth. Been saying it since before I was an influencer. If I could keep everyone I would! The circle would be filled to the brim. Send message.

Shaun decides to continue his conversation with Jayden
Shaun: Message. Yeah, I don't have a clue how I've survived this boredom. The only solace I have is talking to people, so I guess I'm getting the full experience! Laughing Emoji. Thanks for the compliments man, but I'm not here for the game, just the experience. Hashtag NotPlayingToWin Hashtag WontSayNoToTheWinThough... What other interests do I have? Well, I used to try to play the guitar but I was trash, so I gave up on that. I watch a lot of TV shows online and watch podcasts in my free time. I don't live the most glamorous life, let me tell you that. What about you? What are you into? Send message.

Jayden: Message. I bet the conversations definitely help pass the time. You've had a big slice of the experience for sure. Stuck out tongue Emoji. Awesome what kind of shows and podcasts pique your interest? I'm guessing either movie related ones or reviews of some kind. As you know computers are my life, I've tried to get some other skills under my belt though. I joined a woodworking class before I came in here to get some manual skills, turns out I suck pretty badly at it- I'm even terrible at assembling the flat pack stuff. Joy Emoji. Hashtag BobTheBuilderNOT. Send message.

Shaun: Message. Dude, that's wicked! I'm not that handy when it comes to that stuff, so I admire you for giving it your best. Can't say it'd be something I'd enjoy, but props to ya! As for me, I'm a bit of a Star Trek fan, and some of the podcasts I watch are all just BS talking stuff. They're a good way to pass time or have white noise while you do other things. Send message.

Jayden: Message. I tried my best, sure I'll pick it up after a few more sessions. I like the type of shows too! I'm not a big Star Trek fan but get The Walking Dead on and I will listen to that all night long! Send message.

And then

Kizzie: Aww... Do you have something nice for us to do, Circle?

Theron: State your case? What is that? Are we're playing a court game?

Shaun: That's so cool!! So we can be in the finale now? Woot!

Ivy: I really want to be in the finale... I really need to work on my social skills.

Rodrigo: I deserve to win because I'm awesome, I'm a great socializer and just because I'm me!

Jayden: Rival? Oh, come on! We don't have rivals, just friends...

Piper: Lots of T will be spilled! 

Kizzie: Am I first?

Message. I guess my biggest rival in the circle is Ivy. She's been influencer multiple times and seems to understand game strategy more then I do. I deserve to win over her because I am simply here to make friends, and if the point of the game is to be the most popular then I suppose that is exactly what I am attempting to do here because I am fully enjoying the friendships that I am making and plan to continue them outside of the circle with everyone, including the catfish we've lost as I'm looking forward to getting to know the real them. Send message.

Ivy: Aww... She thinks I'm her rival.

Theron: Message. I'd have to say my biggest rival here is my man Shaun, who also happens to be my closest friend here. Why do I deserve to win over Shaun? I don't. Who am I to decide who is more deserving, he's a good guy and I got nothing negative to say about him. I ain't about to put him down for my own gain, Nah, that's not how I am. All I can say is I've been me throughout the whole game, I've met some really cool people that I can see myself being friends with for life! I entered this challenge to help my Lil bro out with his tuition for when he starts college and my father who has done an amazing job at raising us on his own after our mom passed away. It would mean a lot to me if I were to win this if I don't then it's not the end of the world because I'll be leaving with the great gift of friendship. I love ya guys! Send message.

Shaun: Aww man, You are just as good...

Shaun: Message. My biggest rival in this game has to be my bro, Theron. I mean, the dude is a legend among men here and us both being part of the original crew of 8, I think we're both friends in this game but rivals for the win. 
Why do I deserve to win? Well, frankly put, I didn't come here to win. I came for the experience and the bonds. I actually expected to go home first or second but I didn't, and every blocking since then has been an eye-opening surprise to me. 
I've played this game the way I felt it should be played. Based solely on the relationships I have. No game, BS. No strategy. No malice. Just me being me and talking to y'all. I'd say I'm humble when it comes to this experience, and that I don't give jack about the game. I know that Theron has mentioned the game far more times than I have. So, you know, give me the win over arguably the biggest player. Winky face Emoji. Send message.

Ivy: Message. I think my biggest rival is Kizzie. The only reason I could come with that counts against her is that she wasn't there when the Circle started. But, since that one fact lies not in her influence it simply feels unfair to use that against her. In fact, that might even work in her advantage, she accomplished her current popularity in less time than I did.
When she entered the Circle she first laid down in the middle, but now her popularity has been on fire. If she can keep this up then she simply played a better game than I did. I rise too early and finding myself in the middle of the field right now.
What also doesn't plead for my case is that I took that Girl Power group that Kisha started a bit too far, so I hope that the fact that I dropped rating people based on that might help my position in the Circle a bit. In hindsight that was a short-sighted thing to do and it only got friends like Shantelle and Cindy-Lou blocked instead.
I don't want to burn bridges with everyone in the Circle by holding entire monologues on why they wouldn't deserve the win. I'm being a realist here: Kizzie simply has more momentum at this stage of the game. The only way I could become a serious contender again is if I rise from my ashes during the coming days. Take off to the skies like a phoenix.
But for now, I think that you have this in the bag. So: good luck in the final stretch! Send message.

Rodrigo: Message. Who is my rival? Pfft, no one here comes close to being in my league... I joke, seriously if I had to pick someone it wouldn't be someone I disliked it would just be someone who I'm really jealous of and that would be Piper. Love ya babe but you are just too pretty, you make me feel lesser in comparison and for that, you are going down. Devil Emoji. I think I should win because like, almost everyone else has been here a lot longer than me and I think I've done pretty well to get to know people and to bring a bit of fun to the Circle in the short time I've been here, I mean who can forget my dancing, right? Joy Emoji. I haven't had the privilege of being an influencer yet, though given what Kizzie and Shaun have said about it, I'm not sure I even want to... I guess what I'm saying is, I haven't got any blood on my hands, I haven't blocked anyone and I like to think I get on with all you guys. Send message.

Jayden: Message. I'm not sure a lot of people think I should win, and I feel that I don't have a good case to say why I should. I do think I bring a lot of good qualities as a person to the circle and am here to have the best experience I can from this game. My lovely rival Rodrigo has had more time here and has had a great experience but I would also like the opportunity to win too. I'm here to have fun and meet some great people if it leads to winning- great! If it doesn't- great! I'd have hopefully fulfilled my mission in having a good time and that in itself means I have won. Send message.

Piper: Message. My biggest rival is... Kizzie, because of look at how popular she is! I love Kizzie, I think she's an incredible person, but even a blind person could see that she has the connections and the favor, and if I even think about winning, I would have to face against her. Girl power! but...my rival would be female, too, and out of everyone, it is Kizzie. She is a force to be reckoned with! If I can't win, I would want her to win...but I also want to win, still. Send message.

Michelle: Awww, everyone is so polite in this circle. We need more people in the circle for the WRONG reasons to spice things up. ;)

And after the excitement, Theron decides to chat with the guys 
Theron: I think Leonard will understand your decision, he's a good guy. I always felt he was a little quiet and not as open as some of us, perhaps he was holding something back? who knows? I don't know Emoji. Send message.

Shaun: Message. Well, I sure hope our Guy's Chat sure made Leonard feel empowered and normal, knowing what we know now. I honestly can't believe that Leonard wasn't the real deal, but I'm sure one day he will be! How awesome. Send message.

Rodrigo: Message. Can I just say, I was not prepared for that, I'm freaking out! I mean I had no idea that Leonard was Lenna but now it all makes sense, just the way he was with people and some of the things he said to me. Open mouth Emoji. I'm so happy for Lenna but at the same time now I feel like kind of a dick for ranking him so low. Sad face Emoji. Send message.

Shaun: Message. How do you think I feel?! Hashtag ShouldIBlockMyself? Send message.

Theron: Message. Leonard came to see me, dude I had no clue he was a catfish, I must be hella dumb. Joy Emoji. Did not see that coming when Lenna walked through my door, I thought it was the twin sis that he spoke about. I totally get it now, I'm happy he was comfortable with me. Such a cool guy, can't wait to hang out with him properly, we're all going out to party! Send message.

Jayden: Message. That's amazing Theron! I'm glad Lenna was comfortable, I couldn't fathom how it must feel to be in his position. Send message.

Ivy decides to renew her friendship with Kizzie
Ivy: Message. Kizzie, can I get something off my chest here? Something's been on my mind today and you're one of my very closest friends in the Circle... Send message.

Kizzie: Message. Yeah sure, what's going on Ivy? Send message.

Ivy: Message. Since I saw Leonard's reveal video I regret not talking to him more... I just have so much respect for Leonard/Lenna for having the courage to come out this way, so publicly for everyone who watches The Circle. And knowing the story behind the person now, I feel like I can relate so much more... I really make me wish I got to talk to Leonard more, but I didn't really have a click with him, and now I feel very guilty about that. If I only talked to him more... I might've learned things, we could've shared our coming out experiences... But it was not to be until after the show... Send message.

Kizzie: Message. I got to talk to him a bit and he seemed really nice. Since my dad and I do construction and interior design together I thought it would be perfect to flip houses for him as a business partnership and he could make more money. I'm hoping he forgives me for blocking him when we stopped talking so much, that way I can still open that partnership and get him the money to become Leonard. So I really get where you're coming at about feeling guilty. After the circle is over I'm sure you could talk to him more and tell him directly how much you respect him for telling the world. He absolutely has a support group from us. Telling people is hard. I once told my mom that I was bi and she thought I was joking so I had to shake it off with a laugh. Send message. 

Ivy: Message. Yeah, I know that we'll see each other again after the Circle. It's just that what I'm feeling is clawing right NOW inside of me... And the only way to put some mittens on them is if I could say those things straight to his face. . . By the Watcher, this Circle does know how to completely throw you around like a basketball.
For someone who described coming out as hard you just came out to me as bi quite easily, hahaha. But jokes aside, I know what you're talking about. Some people are lucky to have friends, family and an environment that'll accept them for who they are. But not everyone is that lucky. 
Luckily there are welcoming communities for those people where they can find their blossoming. And to be honest, I think our Circle is becoming one as well, there's quite a bunch of LGBT+ people in here now. Five out of fifteen as far as I am aware. And several of the other people are supportive as well. Send message.

Kizzie: Message. Well, I am bi, I say it all the time. But when I still lived with my parents back in high school I was straight because being anything but what people saw me as must be me pulling their leg. I'm still not who I want to be, but I think I get closer every day. Yummy Emoji. Not gonna get all sappy and boo-hoo about my past though. We're here to have fun in the circle right?!
I must say, I love your rival post. Heart Emoji. It's wonderful to be hearing from you again, I was afraid we had lost you to the game. Send message.

Ivy: Message. Yeah, we better make the best of it now. Though sharing our pasts and getting to know each other deeply is also part of the ride. Which is also the power of the Circle, you'll get to know each other on a deep level and I am certainly one who'd rather have 5 best friends over 50 'friends'.
The Circle is a once in a lifetime experience... Unless there's an all-stars season coming up, that is. I wonder how that'd go?
Hmm, it's another obstacle when people don't take your feelings seriously. Sorry, you had to go through that. Hope you'll find the exact place you want to be at soon. Every good person deserves that.
Yeah, I gotta admit that out of the 4 long runners I've been consistently rated the worst the past few rounds. I don't think my odds of winning are high, but I might as well try to have a good time at the final stretch, can't it? Smiley Face Emoji. Send message.

Jayden opens a chat with Rodrigo
Jayden: Message. Rodrigo! You're still here and I am so happy, wouldn't know what to do without your fun energy in this place. Speaking of fun, how have you spent your free time here? I've read the books I brought in and now I'm thinking up things I could do, I would love some inspiration for ideas if you have any. Send message.

Rodrigo: Message. Thanks, Jay, I'm glad I'm still here too! Smiley face Emoji. I'll be honest, I got bored in hereafter like the first day, If it wasn't for other people I think I'd have gone absolutely cray, cray. Closed eyes laughing Emoji. Joy Emoji. I have been trying to pass the time just doodling and writing stuff, actually, I was trying to come up with some fun stuff we can all do to pass the time, like team building you know? I was thinking of playing a game where we each write a line of a story and we gotta carry the story on taking it in turns, we could ask the guys if they wanted to play it in the chat? I used to play it with my bestie Hannah all the time when we were in college. What do you think? I just felt in a creative mood, I've been just itching to write something and thought we could get the guys involved. Send messages.

Jayden: Message. I'm having that issue myself, I'm struggling to find things to keep me entertained. Stuck out tongue Emoji. Team building sounds great especially with the one-line game, I'd be down to play if the others are! If not we could just play it here if you wanted? Send message.

Rodrigo: Message. Cool! I'll send the guys a message later on. Hopefully, it'll help with the boredom. Smiley face Emoji. Send message.

Jayden: Message. Awesome! I hope they agree, it'll beat the boredom. Smiley face Emoji. In the meantime, let's get to know each other a bit better. What's South London life like? I've only been a couple of times before but would like to know the area a bit better. Send message.

Rodrigo: Message. London is fab, it's like everything I need. It's just so busy and really suits my lifestyle tbh, shopping, going out for coffee, close enough so I can walk to work, that's why I moved there originally you see, well, that and my ex lived in London so I decided to move a bit closer to him as it was just a chore to keep having to travel back and forth but you know, then things got difficult... So, whereabouts are you from Jay? What's it like back home? Got any family who's gonna be watching the show? Send message.

Jayden: Message. The fast-paced lifestyle definitely speaks to me too, I didn't think I would because I do like life at a slower pace but it was something else entirely! I move around a lot, I've lived in 4 different countries in the past 10 years but I currently live outside of Manchester at the moment. It's a beautiful place, you should come to visit sometime! I've got my father and a bunch of my workmates watching, they said they'll support me during the run. I doubt I'll be here for long but at least I'm here having fun! Stuck out tongue Emoji. Send message.

Theron decides to chat with Shaun
Theron: Message. Hey man, I hope you're not feeling too hard on yourself after sending Leonard home. I know you probably are feeling really guilty, it's ok my dude. Well, I feel like I have something to tell you. I asked Kizzie on a date and she said yes feel a real connection with her so I had to take the chance, we're going to see how it goes. Hope I don't scare her away! I suppose you've got something planned with Shantelle for when we get outta here? Send message.

Shaun: Message. I’m getting in a better mindset over it but I still feel some regret about it. And no way?! you did?! I didn’t even know you guys talked that much, let alone hit it off! She’s a great gal that one. I could see why you’d ask her out. I see her as a genuine friend and someone I’d definitely wanna hang with after the show is over, but of course, I’ve got my eyes on Shantelle. Something about her makes me wanna break out of my shell and the rut I’m in and no one has ever made me feel that before. So naturally, I’m gonna see where it leads with her. Winky face Emoji. Send message.

Theron: Message. Lenna/Leonard is totally fine about it, don't worry dude! Yeah, I just went for it. We've spoken quite a lot, remember she chose me to have the after-party with when she joined? I felt we really hit it off. You and she have been my top people here, fingers crossed Emoji, didn't even realize I liked her like that until the anonymous questions, after sending the question about the date, I was like wait a minute, did I just write that? Man, I got the feels! I know I was liking Shantelle when she was here, now I see that was more like a schoolboy crush on the pretty popular girl. With Kizzie, there's just something different, but we'll see bro. I see how you feelin about Shantelle, hoping things work out with you both. You're a freaking good looking and kind-hearted guy, she'd be crazy not to want something with you. Yummy Emoji. Send message.

Shaun: Message. Dude, same! Kizz and I have been bonding since the beginning. We both shared a connection over our fathers and from then it's just been a great talk every day. We're quite alike I think, and yeah, you two have been my top two for a while... Though Shantelle was in that mix. As for how things work out with me and Shantelle, we'll have to see how things are after the show. I don't know if I'm "good looking" but I hope she admires my heart. Send message.

Shaun: Message. Also, I must admit, after seeing that Leonard was Lenna, I had some time to think about everyone and I genuinely had a small thought you were Hashtag PlayingItStraight as a kind of catfish strategy with getting the girls! Laughing face Emoji. I know it's not the case because you've been the most real to me here, but I swear to god man, if you're playing it up for the ladies, I'm gonna be so crazy blown away and there's gonna be heartbreak, let me tell you. Laughing face Emoji. Send message.

Theron: Message. Kizzie is just a lovely girl with a pure heart, everyone else is seeing that by the looks of things. Only time will tell what will happen with Shantelle, here's hoping everything will work out well for the both of you. Send message.

Theron: Message. Aight, that was you with catfish question? Be honest, I ain't gonna be mad, Joy Emoji, playing it straight? you think I was gay? Bro, I ain't gay! Nothing wrong with being gay, just I've been called gay numerous times since high school. I'm just a guy that wears his heart on his sleeve and loves to dance. I'd never been able to keep lying up for this long, I'm very much into women, LOL. I'm not playing with anyone, I swear I wouldn't do that. Do I really come off like that? Heck! Send message. 

Shaun: Message.Woah! Calm down! It's all g, dude! It was just a silly thought I had. I know you, and I believe you 100%. There's not a chance that you'd be that cold to Kizzie! I know you're the real deal, but hey, can't hurt to bring it up. Stuck out tongue Emoji. Trust me, you're all good my dude. No one is thinking anything but positive about you! Send message.

Theron: Message. We're all probably thinking something of each other at some point. It doesn't help we only know each other through a screen! Thanks for being real dude, I don't need to meet you in person to know you're the real deal. I try hard not to hurt anyone but sometimes I can say dopey things which get me into trouble. Ain't the brightest thing about. Closed eyes stuck out tongue Emoji. Send message.


Kizzie: Oh-oh, Rating time...

Theron: Oooh, now we're only going down...

Shaun: Okay... And?

Ivy: Aww... Circle put Kizzy as my number one.

Piper: My boy, Theron! Oh, he's so great to me, he can stick around for sure. As long as he keeps me around! Of course, he will! Put him in my number 2 spot.

Rodrigo: I think Ivy will be my number 3. She's okay, hearing a lot about her from the others, some good things, some bad.

Jayden: And finally I'm allowed to rate the players too... Piper is a lovely girl and would do great as an influencer. She deserves my number 2 spot.

And after the ratings, Ivy can finally talk to Shaun
Ivy: Message. I haven't got time earlier but thanks for keeping me in this round. Which means you're not tired of the cross-medial adventures of Shaun and Ivy yet. Winky face Emoji. Sadly Leonard was blocked though. Out of curiosity, what made you choose to block him off over Rodrigo and Piper? Send message.

Shaun: Message. Yeah, not sick of you... yet. Winky face Emoji. Yeah, but I feel so gross that Leonard went home by my influencer power. I don’t believe he deserved it. We just hadn’t talked personally for a while, and I’ve been talking with Rodrigo and Piper quite a bit since they arrived. I think Kizzie had been feeling the same, so we both must’ve agreed he was blocked. I’ll miss him though. Hashtag FeelsBad. Send message.

Ivy: Message. Are you foreshadowing things or something? XD But yeah, this is pretty much how I felt when Shantelle left. I wish I could've saved her, but it wasn't possible. The best we can do is play to honor our fallen friends and plan a reunion for the entire group.
But yeah, got any plans on what you're going to do after the show is over? Send message.

Shaun: Message. Not gonna lie, all I wanna do is sit down and let the tears flow. Not feeling so good today, Ives. I think I need a little time to feel okay about this one. That’s all. Once the show is over, organize a catch up with people, maybe an apology or two, and hang out without this blocking business. That’s my plan. Send message.

Ivy: Message. Let it out, Shaun. Let everything you feel, all your grief and all your guilt, out. Don't keep it in your system. It hurts. But once it's out you'll feel better. That's what it was like for me when I finally came out to my family. Once you're feeling better it's wise to follow those plans and celebrate our Circle. Send message.

Shaun: Message. I feel like your coming out story is a lot more intense than me blocking someone in The Circle, but I get your point. We’re a circle family here and I can’t wait to get out, and see everyone. Maybe a group dinner? Send message.

Ivy: Message. Yup, that was just the metaphor of not bottling your feelings in. Which is what I did before I came out. A group dinner would work. I've actually talked about that with Jayden, we both share the opinion that we should have an Italian feast as soon as possible in the Circle. So if we keep asking for it, maybe Michelle and Ned will budge. Send message.

Jayden decided to talk to Kizzie
Jayden: Message. Hey Kiz! I thought I'd see how you were doing after the blocking, it must be hard at this stage of the game now that people are dwindling and bonds are so close. Send message.

Kizzie: Message. It was extremely hard. Leonard and I were forming a friendship and then we stopped talking much and ultimately that ended with him getting blocked. I really hope he isn't mad at me, because it isn't personal. I would take everyone to the end of the game if I could, and yet, I keep being in the position to choose someone to block. It really sucks. Send message.

Jayden: Message. I can imagine! Not only are you admired by your friends but you have to be the one to send them home, it's truly bittersweet. I hope he didn't take it personally, nothing in this game would ever be done to hurt someone like that. It's all apart of the game. Speaking of games, Rodrigo talked to me about setting up a Smash Bros group when we get out- who's your go-to character when we finally go head to head in Hyrule Temple? Winky face Emoji. Send message.

Kizzie: Message. My go-to for the 64 games has always been Kirby, and I still drift to him in the later games, but there are so many good characters that I tend to just hit random and have fun with whoever I get. Villager and Mr.Game and Watch because of the assortment of items and the randomness are two of my favorites for the sheer fun factor. Besides, I know that Rodrigo would want Kirby, and I can give him up or be the dashing black or blue one. Open mouth Emoji.Laughing face Emoji. I like changing the colors a bit too much. Bee striped Ness? Yes, please! Water Tunic Young Link and Dark Link. Yes absolutely. Do I win? Hardly ever! Joy Emoji.
Oh goodness, I nerded out a bit there and got long-winded. Sorry! Thinking about video games and art is a welcome distraction from the reality game we're in. Send message.

Jayden: Message. Geek out as much as you want Kiz! I totally get you on the color swaps though, Daisy inspired Peach- yes, please! Camp Captain Falcon in Pink- why the hell not! The color swaps are endless and just add to the game. Gosh, I really want to play Smash Bros now. Joy Emoji. Send message. 

Kizzie: Messages. Me too. Lol! I always use Daisy instead of peach! I've got to pull out my smash Bros games when I get home for sure. Send message.

Jayden: Message. Same here! It feels like it has been ages, I can't imagine how long it must have felt for you being cooped in your apartment all this time. Are you tired of seeing the same four walls? Stuck out tongue Emoji. Send message.

Kizzie: Message. Honestly, it's fine with me. Weird as it is I always find something to entertain myself with, and I am getting a ton of sketching done which is something I really need to spend more time doing at home if I want to improve. Send message.

Shaun opens a chat with Rodrigo
Shaun: Message. Yo Rodrigo! I'm honestly glad you made it through the blocking. Honestly enjoyed our little chat last time, so I really wanted to see you make it through your first blocking. So I'm happy you're here! Send message.

Rodrigo: Message. Hey Shaun! Yeah, I'm glad I did too. Blushing Emoji. I know, right? I really enjoyed getting to know you, you are such a cool guy and far more interesting than people give you credit for. Honestly, if it wasn't for you and a few of the others I'd have gone like stir crazy, you've all been so welcoming I just can't function, it's making me well up. Joy Emoji. So, how're things going with you? Send message.

Shaun: Message. I mean, ideally, I hope people don't say I'm boring or a nobody but, I guess I might give that weird impression on some people. Thanks for the compliment though! Guess you've never been called uninteresting in your life, hey. Things with me could be better, as you know, but I think I'm feeling a little better over how wholesome Leonard's goodbye was! Send message.

Jayden decides to chat with Theron
Jayden: Message. Hey man, how are you doing after that blocking? I'm glad you're still here, I know I haven't known you long but I can tell you cool. Send message.

Theron: Message. Hey, my dude, I'm doing pretty good. Thought for a second that maybe I was a goner, happy I'm still here. Shaun and Kizzie both deserve the influencer spots. How are you doing? What you been up to in your place?
Thanks, man, that's nice to hear. Been a bit on edge after those anonymous questions, makes you wonder who is fake. You're cool too, definitely need to hang out sometime. Maybe you can show me some games, so my bro stops nagging at me to play with him. Joy Emoji. Send message.

Jayden: Message. I'd doubt anyone would send you home man, you're everyone's favorite from what I've heard! I'm not doing too bad, finally settling in now and doing the odd bit of reading and doodling when I can. Yeah, those questions were hella rough for everyone. It does bring up the whole trust issue, especially with some of the shadier ones. I'm lucky I got off with an easy one. Stuck out tongue Emoji. It sounds like a good idea to me, I've got a whole wall full of games old and new- plenty to keep us busy haha. Send message.

Theron: Message. Aight bro, you lying. Joy Emoji. Kizzie has the favorite spot taken. Cool cool, what kind of stuff do you like to read? Ivy is our bookworm here if you want any suggestions you should go to her. LOL, that person is just jealous of your good hair. The questions to me just rubbed me the wrong way, Nah I ain't having that. Can't wait to play some stuff with you, feel like I'm making plans with everyone here, it better happen! Tell me, you been talking much with the other players? Send message.


Kizzie: I'm really fed up that I'm getting the Alerts first! Stop it, Circle!

Shaun: Now I'm scared...

Theron: Not be published? What the fuck!

Ivy: Superinfluencer? What does that mean?

Rodrigo: Oh no! That's scary...

Piper: Hopefully, someone is Superinfluencer that doesn't want me out.

Jayden: I hope I am the Influencer! I did talk to every single one in The Circle! I deserve it!

And then another Alert


















































Shaun: Hey Pipester. 

Piper: And you are...

Shaun: Shaun...

Shaun: I know you know that me being here isn't a good thing considering the blocking and all. Sadly, I'm choosing to block you. I think you're a great gal but... It seems that you've been really quiet and considering how close we are to the end, it doesn't seem as good as those who were making a huge effort. So sadly, I guess this is goodbye?

Piper: "..."

To be continued


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